Wednesday, December 31, 2008


You know that I could have spent the last 2 days viciously typing the needed posts to reach 366. But sometimes you just got to let go. Good thing we don't live in Berlin, they are all ready in '09. That would really put me behind.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Well I'm off

I Know! I've been off most of my life but if Cody doesn't leave to get Tina soon I WILL have to wear this mop back to Virginia. Challenged?? Yes I am! And before I forget if you leave the "E" out of leave, how come spellcheck doesn't get it?? What kind of a word is 'LAVE" anyway. Use lave in a sentence. I certainly have never. Maybe that's a good thing. Hmm, maybe I better look it up. You think.? 


Seriously I have seen the new baby's picture. Looks like a keeper at 10 weeks. Todd and Maidy brought stuff home for it. Funny saying "it", but the only name they have picked out that they're telling is--ready??



Yes! I did just realize that I missed the whole month of November. How I have no idea! I mean it's not that I was really busy certainly. Though I was somewhat preoccupied. But still to miss a whole month somehow seems wrong. Like forgetting your underwear.

Matt went to INDY

True! His mom and dad took him to see some Indiana. So I get to get a PERMANENT or something similar done to this mop on my head. I do use the term mop loosely in this case!

Strong start

Well I did have a plan when I started but what is said about the best laid plans of mice and men holds true for me also. Ah! You say that I'm not a man. True!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Paid or not

You know it sure helps in my line of work, or un-work, to be a little nutty. That's a good thing, considering that I'm 50 some posts behind on the year! O yes and the keyboard is DERANGED. Wonder just where that line went anyway? O and did I mention -the POP UPS??! Not the tasty ones. I believe those are pop TARTS.

Still in VA

Hey that's not the hospital, it's the state. It's not all that bad for a state either. By that I mean it's not home. I guess some would consider it that, just not me. Not now or later for that matter. It's not that there's not things to do, but rather that it just is not layed out in a way conducive for me to do them. I don't think straight describes any road out here. And thankfully, the house faces the morning sun, so my directions are in tact when I arise. O, and did I mention that the keyboard is a DERANGED LAPTOP. Understandably not the fault of the state! Now how did that line get under this part.?? Could be the LINE FAIRY!