Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time and time again

We'll change time this weekend. At 1am Saturday to be precise. So many things to remember. I really look forward to December 21. The pagans worshipped the return of the SUN that day because the days got longer. Funny thing! Put 2 and 2 together and you have son. Sure cut down on a lot of fighting!

Another one

So far so good. Except the nose part! Did you know Neosporin is better than Vicks for a stuffy nose? True story! Got it straight from the ped, Dr. Moss, last month. Sorry I took so long to pass it on.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Office play! He is so much fun! Busy all the time!! He now opens the frig and gets whatever. Leaves the eggs alone. Mac and cheese is fair game.


Enclosed is your Springmaker you requested. Please be assured that time and great effort were taken in the design of this model. We have working models tested by our company and the general public for 10 years. This is a new format. So we are anxious for your feedback.
Regardless of shipped date all models are programed to start on January 1 of the upcoming year. 90 days afterwards you should see signs of Spring. Please be patient. You need do nothing with this model.

This is fun! I had trouble getting the hair to stick. I love shabby chic! Hope you do too.Knitmom7 unseasonal spoon doll Swapbot