Saturday, May 31, 2008
I went back to Terre Haute this afternoon to River Wool. It feels good.! Looks good! Is good! However again she was sold out of Fridays. If I could just get one more Friday in the month I think I could get a lot more done.Maybe........... Fat Chance!
Cody left
Doesn't that sound final_ Cody left. Well I hope not. But he is going to spend the month of June working in California with Tina's dad. That kid! Anyway He packed this morning and I shortened some jeans for him and found him another pair. They're going to be doing construction so hard telling what he'll run into. In the meantime I've got a LOT of work to do here. Oh and he did let me hug him twice. WOW! Totally impressive!
Friday, May 30, 2008
The noise
Sorry it took me so long, but that noise seems like a lifetime away now. We got Beulah from Greencastle today and took everyone out to eat. That's Ken's thing. So it's alright with me. KFC buffet for 9. Cody and Tina, Anola and Michael, Charlie, the German exchange student that I mentioned before, Nanny, Beulah, and we two.Go ahead, count. I'm right! 9! Oh, yes, the noise. No more school, so the neighbor kids are up LATE, talking in the street. Makes sense to me. But Charlie, the dog not the exchange student, couldn't understand. Makes sense to me too. How about it?
Hallmark's demise
It was a great store. But tomorrow is its last day. But take heart--EVERYTHING is 90% off and you know what that means! I now have enough cards for the next decade. YEAH! I kid you not. This 90% off stuff is too good to pass on. So I didn't!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A NOISE in the night
Sounds like a thriller, but my mom just called that Nola's dog is growling at the door. So Ken went up just to be sure. Charlie is a poodle/Maltese cross and, oh yeah, like he's going to take a bite out of crime. But it's really just as well Kenny went up there because he was asleep in front of the computer. So he says he once drove 22 miles in second gear, or was that first. I don't drive stick. Therefore I am not sure of the joke, but he is. So my point is that the man can sleep anywhere, anytime. Once he almost drowned in a bowl of soup because he nodded off as he was saying a blessing at supper and this was when we were first married. So don't tell me AGE! He's healthy, so says his doctor. Now back to the noise. I will let you know what it turned out to be. So go to bed and read it tomorrow. I'll be here, unless I'm someplace else, then I'll be back when I get here. OK? Goodnight!
Speaking of new
I got a box in the mail from JoAnne's today. WOOL! hurriedly off to the stash. That was DHL delivery. Then the mailman brought a box from GW. See why I can't get caught up.!! Beautiful stuff though in both boxes. Now I wonder where the Knitpicks box is?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New yarn
I know what I said to you about using from the stash. But wait until I tell you that Martha is having her 1st anniversary sale and she had bags of yarn from the yarn wall , pricey stuff. for $10! Limit 2 to a customer. You got to put your choice of yarns in the bag! WOW! She's also discounting purchases. I sure hope business is so good for her that she has a 22nd anniversary sale. Just think about it. Hey I got to go knit now.
Off again!!
My boys would say it should read "still off"!! I've been off for years! But anyway about this off it concerns the computer. It seems dh fixed the thing the other night and it flipped the drives. Funny thing is that he told me years ago- doesn't seem like the computer has been around years but SURPRISE it has-that computers couldn't think on their own but someone had to tell them what to do. I think his first statement came back to bite him. I'm back though and that's good. Right?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Knittin' shakin'
Remember that old song -ain't nothing shakin' but the leaves on the trees? I don't know I just thought of that. Saturday I went from one purse project to the other and even put in a couple of sock rows. I wasn't shaking, but I was sure shakin' things up knitting wise.
Tina came by before a party, Cody went to Indy as a designated driver for Erin's 21st.Outside of that things were pretty much yarn oriented yesterday. All in all I did a lot. I know that it didn't look it,but I did. I even got up in time to go to Strege's and for a Saturday that's something.
Pardon me while I go empty the dryer.
Tina came by before a party, Cody went to Indy as a designated driver for Erin's 21st.Outside of that things were pretty much yarn oriented yesterday. All in all I did a lot. I know that it didn't look it,but I did. I even got up in time to go to Strege's and for a Saturday that's something.
Pardon me while I go empty the dryer.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Terre Haute
To my knowledge there is no other Terre Haute. I guess that's good. At least most people know that it is in Indiana. Maybe that's because of that song that made the charts 20 years ago. Anyway Cody and I went over to Rural King after some chaps for him when he rides.Bought them, then he let me go to River Wool, then we went to Honey Creek, then to Fazolis where we met up with Tina and Charlie-German exchange student. She's cute.They wanted to go see Indiana Jones, so I took the van and went to Baeslers and then home. Movie was sold out so Cody showed up earlier than I thought. Nola and mom went over to pick her wedding shoes up.Nola's,not mom's. I've been knitting today,too. Check the time. Yeah, good night.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
2 nice 2 stay N
I found a new blog this AM. What I was trying to do was see all the swaps on SWAPBOT with my name on them. I hate when I get behind in stuff which I always do. Hey I'm human. At least I was last time I checked, Yeah. I'm human.You see vegetables and minerals don't scream when they get pinched, therefore- Human. Anyway I digress. Point being I've got to get out more.Which brings me to my white tomato plants. I have one left to plant and I have 3 purple ones to plant. And my purple potatoes are in the ground finally. Two months late I hear but they are planted.Check out the blog and then go outside.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well! Is it bedtime yet?
I did several things today. Like spent the morning at Northview, went to th Post Office, went to Krogers, went to the bank, went to the TIMES, went to the gas station, and to Hardee's for Big Shefs which I called Big Macs to the manager. Bet my face turned all kinds of red. Oh and I made 4 postcards and emptied the dryer.
Cody took the motorcycle to Nan's.
Ken and Nola are home from Evansville.
And I am T-I-R-E-D. Wonder why?
Cody took the motorcycle to Nan's.
Ken and Nola are home from Evansville.
And I am T-I-R-E-D. Wonder why?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Another postcard swap

I figured out another postcard swap. I love doing this thing and not buying anything is a plus. Of course you must remember the size of my stash to begin with and then you understand why I really don't want to buy a thing to mail, except for stamps, I guess. As long as SWAPBOT is there I can keep it up. I think. Now pardon me while I make some more.
Monday, May 19, 2008
How do I sit?
Sounds easy? Right! Bend your knees, back slowly into a chair and let the chair caress you. Yeah right! You see I know these things. I grew up wearing skirts to school, oh and remember "petty pants"? They kept your secret from the people on the lower flight of stairs. Because of living in jeans or, I don't know maybe born in them and then suddenly developing and finding a really cute LITTLE skirt, girls think that they will automatically know how to sit. Wrong! Sitting takes talent to do right. My grandmother used to say that she never wanted to see Christmas and no pies made. Think about it. And don't tell me your skirt is fingertip length because your arms are short! Hello!Do I look like I believe you?
Perfection is a fleeting thing
Got my first 3 on SWAPBOT today. You just know that perfection can't go on forever,but it still hurts though. Don't know what happened. Think that's worse than knowing you flubbed and sending out anyway. Oh well! Next time!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Well today at Lucio's the waiter promised me a half price fried banana next time if I brought my own banana. I ate the fried ice cream again. We took Nicole and Daegen today. He's 5 going on 50. I mean, you do remember that he's 5, but there are vocabulary words that make him sound much older and concept stuff. I just sat there and thought "Wow!".
Day well spent
I drove the PT to Avon today. We decided to look sat Michael's before heading for Indy. Then we got hungry so we ate at Fazoli's. Actually it was the other way around-ate first, then shopped. Nola and I got Nanny tonight at the airport from Flagstaff. Guess she had fun. Nothing negative. Not even that she was tired. So that's a plus. Just now got home and I'm writing to you.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
My swapped bag

Actually this is the one I sent to South Carolina. I love it though. It's from Cindy Taylor Oates book on zippered totes but without a zipper. Have you checked zipper prices lately? We should have hoarded some back in the day. Anyway I used old shirts as per instructions in the swap only I turned the pattern the long way. There's a flannel sheet for batting. Yeah! You guessed it. The swap was for recycling. So what do you think?
Ah! Nuts! I missed Friday
Actually I didn't miss it, because I was there, I just didn't get to check in with you. Anyway I made a tote Friday afternoon with a zipper closing making it expandable. That was a big thing for them, the sewing class, to see. But me......well there were a couple girls who made totes that were bad so I said let's make another. They did and I paid attention to only the construction not the sewing part and they did a wonderful job. Both have IEP''s so they were REALLY happy. I loved the look on their faces when it finally got turned right side out.Joanna is going to be so proud of them. So you see I didn't miss out on a thing this week.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Gotta pack
Does that sound ridiculous? Well I've got to take some purse patterns- sewn ones--to Northview tomorrow. Most of those girls are making totes. I told them I would bring different ones for them to see. I'll be there through Friday. LOVE IT!
The TITANS are on again tonight. Encore performance. I know It used to be called reruns. But I really like the songs in the movie. If I don't get out there I'll miss 'mighty,mighty Titans'. Denzel isn't bad either. Thing is; I remember those attitudes and it makes me sick.
I love it!!
I was hoping to think of a really catchy title but..................Anyway I taught sewing today. One girl told me that I really must love to sew and I guess I do. But the creating is what I really like.Weird? Yes, I guess that I am. Hey before I forget, I get a free breakfast in the morning. Peers mediating peers and Joanna is gone so I have been invited. It's a fuzzy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A brand new bag

If you have ever picked up one of the bags at Barnes and Noble as well as others, it's made out of the same material some cat food bags are. So when I was in a swap for recycled bags.I chose to try one with a twist. I won't know how this particular one holds up, but I sure intend to try another. Using just a tote pattern treat the cat food bag like fabric. First let me tell you that not all bags are made of this stuff. I saw a rice bag in Virginia that I would have liked. Maybe later. Who knows?
This time I can only hope it sticks,cause I really don't appreciate being denied access, cookies or no cookies. Who came up with cookies for those things anyway? I had some really good ones at school today--leftovers. Love 'em. Love em'. I taught Spanish today. Quizzes!They didn't like it at all.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Keeping Up
Keepin' up with everything is tiring. Dad said something about being "aware", so I have tuckered myself out with this newspaper! Personally, I'd rather "a-wear" a dry diaper. I like it when my mommy puts my jacket on me because that means we are going out! Now, if dad would just leave the paper home!!
Matt sends e-mail.
I have started e-mailing with my granpa-------he's silly! I like to make notes so dad can check my spelling. I sometimes get confused whether to write in English or Spanish. I don't think granpa cares. I have a tough time wrestling the computer from my dad. Mom has her own, so I am pushing for my own, too. Dad said something about a chance being FAT!
Matt and Brad
Before seven
Before seven, there was 6. And then the world changed because 7 ate 9. True!
I went to bed at 11 and the phone rang at 6. It's Greencastle. Caller ID! So I go to the web site and they have no jobs posted. So I got up for......
I went to bed at 11 and the phone rang at 6. It's Greencastle. Caller ID! So I go to the web site and they have no jobs posted. So I got up for......
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I tried again and, zango!, I'm back. I really hate to shut this down and go to bed. Just my luck the phone will ring at 5:30 AM. I do, however, need my "beauty" sleep. Do I hear laughter?!
Todd called earlier this afternoon and said that all of them were going out to eat. We? We went to LUCIOs.. Hey, I know that I spell that different every time we go, but I forget to check it out. I got the kid's plate so I could have room for fried ice cream. Think I'll stick with the fried banana! It's the best!
Todd called earlier this afternoon and said that all of them were going out to eat. We? We went to LUCIOs.. Hey, I know that I spell that different every time we go, but I forget to check it out. I got the kid's plate so I could have room for fried ice cream. Think I'll stick with the fried banana! It's the best!
Broken stuff
I've developed a new addiction for fabric. Thought I was cured when I started knitting but not so. I did break my last needle on the Janome tonight. Trip to Terre Haute warranted? Maybe! It won't take Singer needles. Oh, and the featherweight, I bid and won, DOES NOT have a bobbin case! Last I heard the Singer company doesn't make them anymore. BIG tears.! Anyway the fabric cards are fun and I get to use all kinds of fabric. Yeah!
It kicked me off for 3 daYS. The "it" is this computer. Can't figure if it's getting enough cookies in its diet or just likes these better off this site. Cody told me I need to start another blog someplace else: but where? Ah decisions,decisions! Really I would hate to leave now that I've almost got it figured out.bbb
Friday, May 9, 2008
Fabric Postcard swap
Thinking is not painful
Today I did an English class after I taught music at the middle school.When a teacher gives the room a worksheet that says "due Monday" and there's a weekend in front of you nobody wants to work. It's hard on the sub when that happens because quiet is a good word in our world.
Well for 5 days I was out of my site. Something about cookies. But the blackknight fixed it. So I'm back and speechless. Gotta think about the last week. OUCH! Let's see............
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Back to Indy
We went back to Indy. Same car group. Good day!!On the way home Joyce insisted on paying for supper so off we went to the China Buffet--WOK- in Plainfield. Mom can eat more dessert than anyone I know.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
Stay awake
Well Cody is going to take us to DePauw to eat on his meal plan. Very expensive stuff to lose since we bought it. Anyway Cody says around 7 and lays down and then Kenny says that he's tired too.So..Maybe later. Have some peanuts!?
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Strawberry shortcake
Mom made strawberry shortcake today and called me about 8:30 to get her some COOLWHIP and come up for shortcake. So I did. I mean seriously who can ever say "No!" to strawberries or Nanny ( my mom). It was worth it, and I have to teach tomorrow.
Boy I sure hope that's the right spelling, because that's what I taught today at Northview. Just the afternoon though. Hey about 10 minutes after Debbie Johnson called for Spanish, the LEEAP center called for preschool. How about that?Northview was good and I get to go back tomorrow for computers and Monday for whatever. I forget. Remember, I'm old. I figure though if I work 10 days in May I can pay all of my bills over the summer. Kenny is so jealous.!!
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