Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The day the van died-again

Hey yesterday we went to Terre Haute. Just wanted some ink cartridges for the printer. First though we went to River Wool. Matt thought the yarn in there was just right, hate to see what he'd do at Stitches and Scones. He was nice, but very tempted. The clerk,Val,  carried him around and let him touch anything and be touched by everything fuzzy. They giggled together. He did pick out a really great sock color. All I have to do is knit them. We then drove to OFFICE MAX,walked next door to Books-a-Million, then walked back to the van, got in the carseat,put the key in and nothing. So we walked to Old Navy and bought a hat and two pair of pajamas, then back to the van, key in, nothing. So we went back to Books A Million and had a strawberry kiwi smoothie. It was very good. Should have been because the bottle had curdled. Back out to the van-nothing. Called Anola to come get Matt and Pa to get the tow truck number. Called the tow. Nola and Michael showed up and took Matt to Brazil. Me? I rode in the big truck! Better luck next time,Matt! Five hours  after we left for Terre Haute,the van was deposited in our drive and the driver left. I opened the van door and put the key in the ignition and viola! it started right up.  Oh! and the tow was $100.00. Matt put his new jays on and went to bed. I have numbered the days of the van.

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