Monday, September 15, 2008

It's me,Matthew

I've been very busy. (I wanted to say xtreemlee, but I can't spell that word)
Anyway I really needed to tell someone how to make me fruit smoothies. These are a yummy part of  a good night.If you don't believe that I know how, please refer to my chocolate milk story. Now before I go to bed or at least sometime during that day, I eat some fruit. I try hard not to eat all of it. 'cause that's the smoothie part. Magoo says that fruits make wine, whatever!, so sweet potatoes work too. You have to put the leftover fruit in the formula. (It's not necessary that everyone knows about my bottle, is it!)Then shake it like crazy, singing 'twist and shout'!Then quickly, let me taste and I will either approve or, well you might have to add more shaking. I just love that part. 

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