I found this on the blog spot: Needles on the Move. I had tried it one time before, got people to sign up but when I went to check their blogs and asked for mailing addresses I did not get a response. I would love to be involved in this for the mere reason of the giving to others with not expectation of receiving anything back like I do with my exchanges I sign up for like dishcloths, stitch markers, etc. So, IF you are serious about being involved with the PIF idea., please sign the comments with your e-mail and blog spot address included. I will contact the first three individuals for their snail address when I get them and check out your blog spot to make sure you have posted this on your site.
This went around a while back and was revived recently by Emmms, whose blog I signed up on to receive cool stuff. The giving is the more important part though so I’m hereby opening up for three people to receive a gift that may or may not deal with knitting from me sometime in the next 6 months.The principle (if you’ve never heard of PIF) is basically a bit of altruistic sharing of the love. Here are the rules: I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange, and who make the same pledge on their own blogs. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 6 months, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do is play it forward.
Thanks Wooly Socks for a wonderful idea!!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Baesler's again
Hey when I got the van back from the garage it needed gas. I waited for Terre Haute. So tonight I got gas at Baesler's for --Fanfare_--Trumpets--DRUMROLL. Are you ready? ....$2.31 a gallon. If anyone would have told me back during the gas shortage and long lines and 84 cents a gallon that one day I would be pleased as punch to get a gas bargain at $2.31, I would have asked what they had been smoking. Really!
L-O-N-G short Trip
Anola and I went to Terre Haute this afternoon and got back around 10. Not bad at all knowing where all we went and what we bought. Needless to say; we won't be doing that too much longer. Hey and I got nothing, zero, zilch, nil related in any way, shape, or form to my crafting. There, aren't you proud? Dh hung some stuff for me this morning in the bay window room. You know, the one with the new floor.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
shabby chic
Well I put myself into hosting on SWAPBOT again. This time we'll be doing a shabby chic tote. I suppose a purse would be fine too.When I think shabby chic, I don't really see pink and big flowers. I see a conglomeration of soft, worn cotton. Does that make sense? I hope so.I love button embellishments, too. Laces are fine. I just prefer buttons or charms. Quilt blocks make a good element, too. Red work in another color even would be so charming. Think recycling whenever you can. I try. Go to May 17,2008 for pictures of bags.
Got the kittens back!!!
It seems that the kittens took a ride to Crawfordsville, roughly 55 miles, a couple days ago with Kenny; someplace on the truck. Two of them showed up for the ride home. No idea where the white one is. Let me tell you if it's not good for him, don't tell me. My question is,"How did they find the truck after two days?". Think about it. They're still nursing some. No biggy. They are 6 weeks old. To locate that truck in the parking lot in the dark and to have Ken actually see them. Weird? You tell me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
decidedly better
I discovered something about myself tonight. Want to know what it is? OK! I would rather write to you than check my email.Ten years ago that was THE thing to do. Remember "You Got Mail"? Yeah? Yeah!Well here we are, just us and well, you can see how long this whole thing is getting. Oh, and I have to go. Early day tomorrow. Good night!
Rain, Rain go
This has ceased to be humorous. It is now pouring again. I mean how much water can one state hold? Remember we already have 30 inches. I know! Let's give it to California. They like rain.

I really need to show you these kitten pictures. I took them yesterday. Sorry that I couldn't get all 4 of them. I'll try again sometime before they grow up or...! I cringed when the UPS guy backed in the drive yesterday. Last summer the USPS man backed over a kitten and didn't even know it.These are the 2 with short hair. So there's another yellow one. I think its name is PUFF. That was Jane's kitten. What do you mean "Jane who?" AH, come on! Dick and Jane, Sally, Spot, and PUFF. OH! That tiger is the MOM. Telma! as in Telma Hopkins. Come on, think. Then there's a dark little girl with yellow rings, like glasses, around her eyes. She's afraid all the time.
Matt's sitting
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I made about 7 more bags today. I just got started and couldn't stop. Used a sheet and a skirt. I think the skirt is better for the weight. The sheet ones look shabby chic, but then again, what do I know.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
BAGS not under my eyes
I made two Morsbags this evening and totally messed up the bedroom. I was trying to find clothes to use for the bag. I did. You know that since I told you that I made two. They're from a skirt I got in Tulsa at the Peoria St Thrift. So now it's bags. I forgot to tell you that Baesler's gives 5 cents for each bag you reuse off your order. Since 5 bags is about average I save $1 every 4 trips. Ch-Ching!
Got more stuff

There is a THINK GREEN swap that I'm in. And, surprise, I got a package from my partner yesterday.
I got a market bag. (The note is on top of it), couple of tribbles, some chocolate, YUM, a washcloth. a Swiffer pad, good idea, some red tea, good stuff, and 2 skeins of organic wool/cotton yarn, about the color of creamed corn, beautiful. Thanks for thinking of me.
$3.27 a gallon sounds cheap
Went to BAESLER'S yesterday afternoon and gassed up Cody's car at $3.27 a gallon. Now before you all head to Terre Haute, let me explain. Baesler's gives so much off per gallon on different grocery items. They are about 2-3 cents higher than Kroger on some things, maybe more on others. Now the way I figure is this: if I buy butter for $2 and they give me 3 cents a gallon off on a fifteen gallon, then multiply 3X15=45, so I actually paid $1.55 for the butter that Kroger has for $1.79. Gas prices are about the same. $3.98 there and 4.05 at Kroger. I bought milk at Kroger, just so I didn't have to worry about the heat. I spent $180 on groceries at Baesler's and got a $1.74 discount on each gallon up to 15 gallons next time. Spending the same at Kroger nets me a 10 cent a gallon discount. I love MATH.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Brad came yesterday and spent the night. Wonderful feeling! Try for more of that.DH called. I called Nanny after I called the bank about the car title. ARGH!! I called John. Today is John and Joany's seventh anniversary. They were supposed to get their picture taken at 4pm. Todd called too. But you know that already. Nola called, too. I know that Ryan WILL call sometime this evening. Dee called, I would tell you how long she and I talked but suffice to say it would have been a long letter. Now where Cody is and what he's about since they are 3 hours behind us in California remains to be seen. In other words he has time.
Matt phoned
It's true!!Matt did call. Something about needing a new diaper and daddy on the computer. Not to worry I took care of it. He is truly amazing isn't he! His mommy called him too today. Such a popular guy!!
Now is the time
I've traded with many people on the net,mainly through swapping.Took me quite awhile to learn the language and to be forgotten or flaked. (That's such a strange terminology-FLAKED. Wonder who coined that?) This time an angel took me. I received a top of the line package from Heather. I've never knitted with Brown Sheep- will soon though. Thanks Heather. Never owned so much Debbie Macomber-do now. Thanks Heather. Never had a whole Nutter Butter package to myself. Do now. Thanks Heather!Never had such a pretty felted bag made for ME, delivered to ME. Thanks Heather! You did good kid, real good.
It's been a week and I suppose I owe you an explanation. Believe me when I say that it's too long. We did amazing things this last week. My little camera never did surface. I recharged DH's and got my purse picture taken. Oh and we -Brad, DH, and I laid the laminate floor in the bay window room. It's practically perfect.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Yes I did open my package. Wedding anniversary coming up and I debated but then again I thought I'll do it. So I did.Everything was in there that I ever asked for except.......no, wait, that was in there too. But the thing I missed was......no, wait, that was in there too. I sure am glad Heather put it all in there because it made for a really nice day all around, except for......no, wait, that was in there too. And beautifully done except she forgot ....................no, wait, that was in there too. I'm sure glad she's such a good package maker upper.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Porch has a package
Yes, I got back from Terre Haute and there was a package on the front porch. It's from Heather Price in Michigan. I really hope that she is not returning what I sent her last month. I doubt it strongly but then one never knows. Now that I've piqued your interest you'll just have to wait and wonder and know that there will be pictures forthcoming.Oh her blog is winemakersister. The link is to your left. She is a really busy, sweet person. Check her out. No! I know that I didn't speak too soon. Just you wait. You'll see. It'll be wonderful.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Guess what? I know it's hard to believe but it's raining again. Like we need it. Susan said they need it in North Georgia. So how do we get it to cross the Ohio and leave us alone? At least let us dry out a little. Something else to ponder.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
beside herself
Nola and Michael and Bob, Michael's dad, went motorcycle riding before dark tonight. Nanny, bless her, has them washed off in a ditch somewhere. She always does this. I remember her pacing the floor because Gary wasn't home. 4AM and then when he got there he told them that he had helped a guy change a tire and then they had gone for coffee. High school senior. He always had a reason and dad and mom were always up pacing. You know I don't think that they ever paced for me.One thing 4AM wasn't even an option. Oh
We have 4 new kittens. They followed their mom around the house this evening. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow. 2 yellow, 1 dark tiger?(really dark) and 1 white with faint yellow stripes on tail. Nothing cuter than kittens! Ah! Oops! Sorry Matt! Kittens are the second cutest things ever. Better?Thanks! Good night!Say your prayers.
We have 4 new kittens. They followed their mom around the house this evening. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow. 2 yellow, 1 dark tiger?(really dark) and 1 white with faint yellow stripes on tail. Nothing cuter than kittens! Ah! Oops! Sorry Matt! Kittens are the second cutest things ever. Better?Thanks! Good night!Say your prayers.
Not Saturday
Yeah, I know you're thinking that I missed a day. Well in truth I did, but there was so much rain falling yesterday I just forgot you. Don't cry! We don't need the moisture. According to WTWO, we set a record in a record setting month. Case in point, Nanny got 2 feet of the stuff in her basement. Traffic is still backed up on 40 all the way to the county line. I know that's less that 10 miles but HEY those semis take up a lot of space. When I was a kid, before I70, those semis were in town every day, all day.Plus there was parallel parking then too. Oh, and parking meters. I wonder what ever happened to those meters? Well enough wondering! I should tell you the strip mall flooded, except for KROGER. It was their double doors that saved them. Just see what BOUNTY would do here. Oh the commercial I could film.!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
We have a SEVERE storm warning out and Ken just called me to say that he's on his way home from work. Seems he wasn't supposed to work today after all. One would think he loves his job.
Creme filled day
I cannot resist telling you that today is -Fanfare! National Doughnut Day!! Call Todd! Call your other friends! Go, eat a doughnut.Any type. Let the jelly drip! Of all the things I thought of the OMAR bread man delivering to our house when we lived at 802. I was less than 5. But I remember carrying that loaf of bread in the house like it was a baby. Nobody saw me. If anyone was in the house, like mom, who follwed me in after she paid for whatever, I swung the loaf like a bowling ball. Don't ask me, I just did. Oh and the bread man's name was Charlie. Sometimes we got a flat yeast roll box, like the ones you find today, only these had a creme filling. YUM! That was good eating!
Not through yet!!
I really was going to jot something profound last night at 11:55 pm. But then I figured by the time I got out here and logged into blogspot it would be tomorrow, so I just kept knitting. Makes perfect sense to me.Although I am not done with the LUCY bag I keep thinking SOON. Then I go knit a couple rows on my green self stripe socks and I feel fine. Now I do have to go. Back later. Promise.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I'm all for wisdom. Don't misunderstand. But it is highly misused. Case in point. Who was the knucklehead who first called the 12 year molar-a wisdom tooth? I mean, honestly, have I been lacking wisdom for almost 60 years? But then again some people never get there. Quite to the contrary my dad would have said that I am, or rather was just not as smart as I thought. Just in case you don't get this my back right wisdom tooth is giving a real go at coming in.Only took it forever, but hey what do I know. Ask me later. After it gets all the way through, instead of this. My tongue is getting tired of checking on it. Maybe I ought to be writing this up someplace. Well duh I am.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I got a lot

I got a lot of mail today. Really! I got my box from Knitpicks. Didn't even open it. Long story. But I got a box from Indygirl in Connersville with my purse that wasn't. It is so cute. I love the handle and the top of the lid with a spoon nonetheless. How about that? Oh and it's metal and she attached Matt's picture. and I get to put more magnets on it. How about that!? Oh I said that all ready!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Got pics?

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Knitting in plain sight
I found the red/brown yarn and knitted on the purse while I watched in plain sight.Not really sure if I like that show or not which means it's probably a hit. Just remember don't buy stock in a thing I like. Now back to the knitting. Self stripe yarn is making some great socks. I don't know why I like that stuff, just do. Better not buy stock in that either. See you tomorrow. Good night. Say your prayers.
Moving right along
I found a secret ingredient for spaghetti sauce. Homemade by me, spaghetti sauce. I thought that I had some PREGO, but no. So Red Gold sauce, onion, fresh mushrooms, and some maple flavored bacon-2 slices, and, are you ready for this? I sure hope so cause here goes. Add about 1/4 cup bean dip, the kind in the produce aisle. Yes! You read correctly. The sauce was so runny, I had to thicken it somehow. And let me tell you there is none left and there was just the 2 of us at supper.Eureka! Houston, we have a winner!!
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