Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wednesday all ready??

As silly as that sounds, it is Wednesday-and spring is 3 weeks away. I am having trouble waiting for this one. The weather-ICE- is one thing. We don't have ice often and snow is an ocassional occurence, but I really am looking forward to Matt. So Spring is coming.Right?!!

I've got one more orange sock to finish for him and the i-cords for his pants. Not that they take long but I got sidetracked with a shawl or two. Someday I'm going to do a lacy shawl but not right now when I need portability. I'm about 2 ounces short on this last shawl. I love using partial skeins of other people's yarns purchased from their stash by me. I know it sounded like I used other people's yarn without their knowledge but I don't. Although it did happen to me. I just wasn't fast enough knitting Kenny a sweater when we were first married. You know the new wife syndrome. Anyway my mom gave the sleeve yarn to my grandmother, who knitted me a song sleeved cardigan beautifully in a week. And Kenny? Well he got a vest out of it.Back to my shawl. So I miscalculated on this midnight blue. More will show up sooner or later or I could add another stripe.! The pattern doesn't call for stripes, but since when do I follow a pattern exactly. Improvise!

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