Friday, February 29, 2008
Skipping around
There are a lot of people doing some really fun things because it's the 29th of February. Isn't that weird?? I try to do fun things every day. Usually succeed, too.
Dotees to make
Yes! It's another swap. Glutton for punishment? I suppose.These little dolls are shapeless so they won't take long to embellish and therein lies the swapability.Right now though I want to knit some more and watch "MONK". His theme song, It's a Jungle out there, is such an aerobic work out. Well since I never did aerobics-lack of rhythym, I can say that about "poison in the very air we breathe".I could be wrong now but I don't think so.Anyway I'm not nearly the Monk you think. I really hear and remember most words to songs that I like. All these random lyrics in my head and can't carry a tune at all. Nil! Not even the ABC song. I have an idea, what if I just knit?
taught for 3 today
When I went in this morning I thought that I had an LD classroom. Not so. I had an English classroom, then a reading/English class for 4 periods, then lunch and a prep-started my socks and did a couple rows on a purse, then I had an LD class for 3 periods. Somebody did not show up today. Flexibility is the name of the game. All of those classes are exception. Good kids. I'm still tired. Oh got to pass along the Fiber Fair dates to the librarian assistant, who is also the atheletic director and loves knitting books. She needs classes. That's Greencastle.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Fiber fair
Found that the Fiber Fair in Greencastle is April 12. Now if Matt is on time I can go but if he's early I'll be in Virginia. You know what either is fine with me although I do have a LOT more knitting to do after today. Martha had such a smile on her face when I left. Hey she owns RIVER WOOL. A happy owner is a happy buyer who in turn is a happy seller who makes me a happy buyer. Get it? It's so easy once you get it. Now if I could only buy some more time or else maybe I could knit faster. I know. Work on it!
Tomorrow is Friday and should be March
Hey It is leap year and all is well. I have reference to my cough. For all practical purposes it is gone. Personally I'd like to think that my recovery has to do with my excursion to RIVER WOOL after school (I was at Northview as a history teacher) today. It is possible. Yarn just is a feel good thing. Wait until you see what I do with it. Some will go for a sock swap but some is all mine.
I'll teach tomorrow at Greencastle and visit the nursing home after school. Think I'll take them the loops I cut and let them make me some more rug yarn. Yes! That's a good idea. I'll do it!
I'll teach tomorrow at Greencastle and visit the nursing home after school. Think I'll take them the loops I cut and let them make me some more rug yarn. Yes! That's a good idea. I'll do it!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Feeling wordy!!
YES I am aware that this is the third time today and that I had better do something else. I am. I'm making Chicken Noodle soup. Actually what I'm doing is doctoring some Campbell's. 6 chicken wings boiled with a boullion cube and some pepper- well more than some.Remove the meat from the bones (throw bones away and add meat to soup) and add a can of mushrooms and fix grilled cheese and serve with hot tea in some Fireking mugs and bowls. Now for the question..
How many noodles does Chicken Noodle soup contain? Think about it!
How many noodles does Chicken Noodle soup contain? Think about it!
I mailed a fish
I put it in a COKE bottle along with directions for its care and mailed it. Cost me $2.55 to do it too.But then it's a swap and I do love strange containers. I also love the story with it. I hope his new mom does too.
Wednesday all ready??
As silly as that sounds, it is Wednesday-and spring is 3 weeks away. I am having trouble waiting for this one. The weather-ICE- is one thing. We don't have ice often and snow is an ocassional occurence, but I really am looking forward to Matt. So Spring is coming.Right?!!
I've got one more orange sock to finish for him and the i-cords for his pants. Not that they take long but I got sidetracked with a shawl or two. Someday I'm going to do a lacy shawl but not right now when I need portability. I'm about 2 ounces short on this last shawl. I love using partial skeins of other people's yarns purchased from their stash by me. I know it sounded like I used other people's yarn without their knowledge but I don't. Although it did happen to me. I just wasn't fast enough knitting Kenny a sweater when we were first married. You know the new wife syndrome. Anyway my mom gave the sleeve yarn to my grandmother, who knitted me a song sleeved cardigan beautifully in a week. And Kenny? Well he got a vest out of it.Back to my shawl. So I miscalculated on this midnight blue. More will show up sooner or later or I could add another stripe.! The pattern doesn't call for stripes, but since when do I follow a pattern exactly. Improvise!
I've got one more orange sock to finish for him and the i-cords for his pants. Not that they take long but I got sidetracked with a shawl or two. Someday I'm going to do a lacy shawl but not right now when I need portability. I'm about 2 ounces short on this last shawl. I love using partial skeins of other people's yarns purchased from their stash by me. I know it sounded like I used other people's yarn without their knowledge but I don't. Although it did happen to me. I just wasn't fast enough knitting Kenny a sweater when we were first married. You know the new wife syndrome. Anyway my mom gave the sleeve yarn to my grandmother, who knitted me a song sleeved cardigan beautifully in a week. And Kenny? Well he got a vest out of it.Back to my shawl. So I miscalculated on this midnight blue. More will show up sooner or later or I could add another stripe.! The pattern doesn't call for stripes, but since when do I follow a pattern exactly. Improvise!
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Did you miss me??
Normally, Cody gets home often and I get him to get me back to blogging, This week though was strange what with that bug I had. I'm still coughing, too. I've been subbing this week at the middle school in Greencastle for Jeff Miller,8th grade math. More precisely Pre Algebra is the course title. I'm hoping,because of the ice, they have a 2 hour delay tomorrow. It's not a bad subject, I just want to sleep in and to get rid of some of that supper I ate at Mom's too. I don't care how just rid of it.YUCK!!
The class is adding and subtracting fractions. I reminded them that they had this in fourth grade. It's a late lunch that just about does me in. Thank heaven for peanut butter. I stopped at GW and bought a wine colored dress coat after school. Got some fireking mugs,too.
The class is adding and subtracting fractions. I reminded them that they had this in fourth grade. It's a late lunch that just about does me in. Thank heaven for peanut butter. I stopped at GW and bought a wine colored dress coat after school. Got some fireking mugs,too.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Yes, Virginia, I did knit when I visited
Rhonda's pkg
still coughing
Yes tis true I'm still coughing like a banchee. Not sure of the spelling there but if you have a little Irish in you,not liquor although some is good at this stage, I'm sure you know what a banchee really is.
I did knit a couple of rows, all right one and a half on my shawl this AM. Ken went to Kroger and I did some laundry and cooked and other stuff. If it weren't snowing out I would have gone to the doctor.Really!I must be getting better!!So I've started drinking more liquids- aha I said "liquids" not liquor. Oh and I checked my emails.
I did knit a couple of rows, all right one and a half on my shawl this AM. Ken went to Kroger and I did some laundry and cooked and other stuff. If it weren't snowing out I would have gone to the doctor.Really!I must be getting better!!So I've started drinking more liquids- aha I said "liquids" not liquor. Oh and I checked my emails.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Where there's life,there's hope
This is Todd and Maidy
at the shower in the restaurant Sunday,2/17/08. Todd is holding a "dirty" diaper. He made them at the hotel
from chocolate and they really grossed a lot of people out. He had fun. It does look real doesn't it!

She looks so cute. That's me in there too. Food was Bolivian. Love it!Especially the tea type drink made from dried peaches. I think that it can be duplicated in Indiana.

Well we're still in Virginia, only problem is I can't quit coughing. We're bound for home on the morrow. So I will recover. I am keeping in touch with Cody and so far no package. Patience, arghhhghh! I want my buddy. Would have liked to brought him out here and shown him the sites. Maybe he's all ready seen them though. Maybe he'll be in Indiana tomorrow or yet this week. He's in the mail.
Friday, February 15, 2008
In Virginia!!
Got here sometime yesterday afternoon. Saw Todd. Maidy was still on her way home.We stoppped at an antique mall in Hancock Md or Pa. We went in and out of states so much I'm not at all sure. Anyway I was able to get some more mugs. I love it only I don't have room in the cabinet for more. As long as I'm doing swaps I'm not worried because one goes each time. They had some teapots that were really cute. Left them on the shelves, wah! Hancock had a restaurant that was highly recommended and highly tasteless. Weaver's was its name. Nice and clean and tasteless. Dh did like his Philly like sandwich. The whole bill was $26.00 for the two of us. Ate twice at McD's coming down for less than $9. Nuts!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Leaving for Viginia today
I know it's crazy but we are headed to Virginia today in ice to see Todd and Maidy and go to the baby shower Sunday. See you later.
Hey Another swap!!
I told you that I love to swap! Well see? This one is a sock swap! Not the whole sock,but the makings. Got it? Good!
What is your process when planning a project? I really have no set process. I may not even have a project in mind when I visit my LYS which is 20 miles away so...
Do you shop for yarn and then find a suitable pattern? No. I just shop for yarn. I love the sale table(s). More stitches for the $$
Do you find your pattern and then go out to buy the yarn? Sometimes. Like--we are going to be first time grandparents and baby blue, let alone baby yarn was not in my stash in quanity.
Or are you stash-busting? I'm trying. I now buy yarn by the hour not the skein.
If your stash is out of control, how did it get that way?Ebay,time, Goodwill auctions, time, donations, time, bargains, time, extra cash, no extra time. Get my drift. Then there's always new yarns to try and new colors, I could go on.
What is your process when planning a project? I really have no set process. I may not even have a project in mind when I visit my LYS which is 20 miles away so...
Do you shop for yarn and then find a suitable pattern? No. I just shop for yarn. I love the sale table(s). More stitches for the $$
Do you find your pattern and then go out to buy the yarn? Sometimes. Like--we are going to be first time grandparents and baby blue, let alone baby yarn was not in my stash in quanity.
Or are you stash-busting? I'm trying. I now buy yarn by the hour not the skein.
If your stash is out of control, how did it get that way?Ebay,time, Goodwill auctions, time, donations, time, bargains, time, extra cash, no extra time. Get my drift. Then there's always new yarns to try and new colors, I could go on.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Here's the promised pic
Remember those socks that the batteries died on. Well here's the picture and oh BTW I knitted more socks in the meantime. The Cupcake Sock only printed the first page so I have to go back and print it. I will.
No school after 2 hour delay
I sure am glad that I did not miss that phone call. It is cold outside. A layer of ice has the van doors frozen shut.brrbbrrbbrbrbr!Anyway good time to pack for VA. and here I sit talking to you. I made some stuff for a swap and put it up so as not to lose it and I DON"T KNOW WHERE IT IS. Anyway I got another swap through last week, from Teatimeknitter on Yahoo. This time I got to host a shawl. Only 8 in the group, but terrific ladies. So here's the picture of my shawl and tea from Janet in Maryland.
It's crocheted in worsted with a COLLAR! Unbelievable!! Love it and so did the sewing class I opened it in front. They wanted to see what a swap was and they were impressed. I sent Janet a suncatcher with her shawl. Hope it makes it there. I try to mail in unusual containers when I can. And I did.

Monday, February 11, 2008
Hey I got the batteries
I really remembered. I feel proud. Well I should.Wonder if I can remember how to post a pic.? hmhmhmmhmhmhmmmm! Bet I can!
I taught for the special ed. dept. today. I have so much fun with those kids. They make for a really easy day,too. Read 2 preps=knitting time. I found the COOKIE SOCK pattern yesterday. Started last night. Not bad. I'm using sport weight instead of DK as I have sport and don't have DK in my stash and I should use from my stash. Right?
I taught for the special ed. dept. today. I have so much fun with those kids. They make for a really easy day,too. Read 2 preps=knitting time. I found the COOKIE SOCK pattern yesterday. Started last night. Not bad. I'm using sport weight instead of DK as I have sport and don't have DK in my stash and I should use from my stash. Right?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
I can't believe it
I've been to Kroger everyday this weekend and driven past countless other times-Kroger is on US40 between me and everything else- any way I still don't have batteries. Teachers call home and leave a message for themselves on the answering machine. However there is no answering machine in my van. ARGH!!Think posting pics.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
another questionaire for spring
Hey I like this swap stuff. It's all good. Now for your reading pleasure is yet another questionaire. Enjoy!
Do you knit or crochet? yes How long have you been at your craft?For over half a century I've been messing and learning and loving every minute. I do both, although I prefer to knit with worsted yarns that stripe.
What are your favorite yarns/fibers? What are your least favorite yarns/fibers? I like the texture of wool blends. I will put 2 yarns together to get what I want. I don't enjoy black or navy, or eyelash
What are your favorite colors?I love color. What are your least favorite colors? I love variegated. Brown like chocolate is not a particular favorite
What ‘warm weather’ project are you looking forward to making this year? I want to do some more baby pants and maybe a lacy scarf Notice that I said maybe. I really don't like to think about the pattern anymore.
What are you favorite scents? I love peppery spices Least favorite? Skunk
What is your favorite flower? zinnia
What are you favorite spring time hobbies/activities?I really don't change that much from season to season anymore. I intend to take more pictures this spring than ever before in the annals of my recorded history
Do you have a garden?Of sorts. If you do, tell us a little about it.I love to plant herbs and use them. Basil is my favorite. Do you like to plant flowers or vegetables? I found some white tomato seeds a couple of years ago. They were delicious but no more seeds. I'd like to plant some self color cotton. I meant to pick up some seeds at the fiber fair last year, but I forget. If it were up to me I'd plant our whole front yard in sunflowers and zinnias.
What are your favorite sweets? Soft candy like Yorks peppermint or Reeses or Hershey treasures or...need I say more.
Do you collect anything? WE have 7 kids so I guess that besides collecting kids I could say that I collect bags of stuff like jewelry or orphan balls of yarn.
Do you have any allergies?SMOKE
Do you have any pets? 5-8 cats Depends on what their moods are. Mostly our 8 stay home but if our neighbor is feeding hers what they consider to be better oh like fried chicken three of them may go to her house for supper and stay overnight.
Do you knit or crochet? yes How long have you been at your craft?For over half a century I've been messing and learning and loving every minute. I do both, although I prefer to knit with worsted yarns that stripe.
What are your favorite yarns/fibers? What are your least favorite yarns/fibers? I like the texture of wool blends. I will put 2 yarns together to get what I want. I don't enjoy black or navy, or eyelash
What are your favorite colors?I love color. What are your least favorite colors? I love variegated. Brown like chocolate is not a particular favorite
What ‘warm weather’ project are you looking forward to making this year? I want to do some more baby pants and maybe a lacy scarf Notice that I said maybe. I really don't like to think about the pattern anymore.
What are you favorite scents? I love peppery spices Least favorite? Skunk
What is your favorite flower? zinnia
What are you favorite spring time hobbies/activities?I really don't change that much from season to season anymore. I intend to take more pictures this spring than ever before in the annals of my recorded history
Do you have a garden?Of sorts. If you do, tell us a little about it.I love to plant herbs and use them. Basil is my favorite. Do you like to plant flowers or vegetables? I found some white tomato seeds a couple of years ago. They were delicious but no more seeds. I'd like to plant some self color cotton. I meant to pick up some seeds at the fiber fair last year, but I forget. If it were up to me I'd plant our whole front yard in sunflowers and zinnias.
What are your favorite sweets? Soft candy like Yorks peppermint or Reeses or Hershey treasures or...need I say more.
Do you collect anything? WE have 7 kids so I guess that besides collecting kids I could say that I collect bags of stuff like jewelry or orphan balls of yarn.
Do you have any allergies?SMOKE
Do you have any pets? 5-8 cats Depends on what their moods are. Mostly our 8 stay home but if our neighbor is feeding hers what they consider to be better oh like fried chicken three of them may go to her house for supper and stay overnight.
Long for spring??
My grandmother used to say you that when you wished for change of seasons let's say, that you were wishing your life away.I suppose I wished for school to be out and summer to be here.Whatever it was; that was always her comment. But........... This spring is very special. Every spring has new beginings but this one has a new Whitesell generation beginning for us. This will be our very first grandchild. And yes I do know that some of the "kids" that I went to school with are great grandparents, however this is our first. Oldest ds told me that we have the potential of 19 grandkids, so that means there is 18 more to go. But Matthew Carleton is going to lead the way. Thunderous applause.!!!
Friday spilled over
Hey I finished my week as FACS teacher. Yes that's what they call them now! Me? I still call them Home Ec. Anyway I made 5 felted sweater totes, 2 small totes(I had to. They were doing these in class and I needed the practice),and an assortment of other stuff started including the YUCK denim bags mentioned earlier. Oh !! and I did keep to the lesson plans. She did have a prep and lunch half hour. Ninety five minutes a day!!Amazing what can be done without interruptions like telephones. Seems as if whenever I star something at home the phone is ringing off the wall. If dh is sleeping that is a mess literally. Just watch me get out of my sewing room. MESS!
John came up from Evansville and took Mom ,aka Nanny, and Cody and Anola to MCL to eat. I got to go to bed to get to the bank to sign the papers in the morn. See the time. Good night!
John came up from Evansville and took Mom ,aka Nanny, and Cody and Anola to MCL to eat. I got to go to bed to get to the bank to sign the papers in the morn. See the time. Good night!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
So I skipped a day
Another 2 hour delay. I missed the phone call. However I did get a really good parking space. So far I'm making a purse a day, either on prep or during the last class. They get a charge out of seeing what I do with jeans or an old sweater. One girl today suggested that I use the serger. Have to try it tomorrow. The tote from the sweater is cute. The jean purses are yuck. Just my personnel opinion.Got a permanent at FIESTA after school. I feel so much better.
Monday, February 4, 2008
First day
Clay County had a two hour delay today. Like pea soup driving at 10:00. Could only imagine what it would have been at 8:00. Taught Joanna's classes and sewed a purse for me on prep. I love subbing. I'll be there all week. Not often that happens. Kenny went to OHIO to get a motorcycle for Cody. Me? Mixed feelings! Ten days until we see Maidy and what's his name. Every time I remember Beulah doing that, it cracks me up. Todd is her grandson and Maidy is not a common name. However....
Sunday, February 3, 2008
NO batteries yet
I went to Kroger and spent a total of $110 and forgot the batteries. There was a woman who said hi and she hadn't seen me in a long time. Knew my name too. Too bad she didn't tell me hers. I hate that not because I didn't have a clue who she was but I think it actually hurt her feelings. But hey I am getting old and forgetfulness goes with the territory. Remember the batteries?
Weather anyone?
Just so you realize I'm in Indiana and our weather is subject to change. That being made clear-we have thunderstorms going on with lightning and rain and real thunder. The snow is not taking the pounding well at all. Too bad!! The ice is still there. Not that I care, but I would rather have the snow than ice and rain rather than either. Not too good for knitting but let me tell you I get to teach sewing all week at Northview. For that I am very excited.
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Going to be a MAIL week
Whew! I just heard from my swaps and both will be mailed this week. I have to get to the UPS store Tuesday. Gives me an excuse to go to Terre Haute and shop for a coat. I want a long dress coat. Saw one in GW a couple weeks ago but..................So I might check their store in TH. Otherwise I do NEED some 19 circulars to make that t-shirt rug. The others keep coming apart.And oh yes I need camera batteries. Posts look pretty humdrum without visuals.
No cupcake snow!
I know what I said about snow and ice. I really meant it,too. But when a winter storm is predicted,I like that to include at least 4 hours of cupcake size snowflakes. Two inches of snow does not constitute a storm. However the ice under it closed schools Friday-read knitting time. When my mom called Friday evening and found out I was knitting a shawl, she asked me if I really liked to knit. Well, duh!!I didn't say that to her but I thought it. She's my mom and she's 82 and I love her, so I didn't say it. I simply said, "sometimes". BTW the shawl is almost done. I love it.
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