Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I got side-tracked

I did, really I did. Course you know that's easy to do. Especially for me.Anyway I've been looking for a book, that I took out of my knitting bag Sunday. I forgot where I put it. But in the meantime, I taught bowling and mailed my Dotees in bottles and went to GW and cooked lunch. Ribs and cabbage and carrots-baby ones are really good all cooked together in a saucepan. Oh and you know that coffe maker that's still in the box because I don't have counter room? Well yesterday from BOCA JAVA I got a hot chocolate maker. I really gotta make room!! I love that company! and their teas are delicious. They sent some of their hot chocolate mix with this order. HMHMHMhhmhhmMhm! So yum!

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