Saturday, March 8, 2008

I Missed Friday

Actually I did miss Friday. It went by too fast. We turn our clocks up one hour tomorrow, which is Saturday, so I'll probably miss that,too.Since I've not been to bed yet, to me it's still Friday. Sorry about that!! Just in case you wonder I taught art today more correctly Ceramics 2. I fixed chili tonight at mom's house and then came home and watched "Pursuit of Happyness" with Ken, who missed the first half.It was a free movie from MOVIE GALLERY so we can keep it until Wednesday. Maybe he'll see it all by then. It was REALLY good. With a tape I could skip ahead and see how it ended but not with DVDs. Nuts! So I knitted a variegated sock while I watched. Did I also mention that I L-O-V-E variegated yarn? Didn't think so, but I do!

1 comment:

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

variegated yarns are F-U-N! i'm planning to start a new pair of socks soon maybe from tofutsies. i need a portable project for sure.