Sunday, March 23, 2008

Stitches and yarns

I've been knitting a bag for the KAL swap. It's getting heavy, too.Don't know if I'll ever do another-oh who am I kidding? I've already got the yarn for 2 more. I got some rosewood circulars on sale at STITCHES AND SCONES Saturday. They are so nice to use. My hand doesn't get sore or go to sleep with them. There was a man there with his wife buying yarn for their afghans, remarkable. The yarns I got are yummy. When the girls asked me if I had found everything I wanted I had to tell them I need 2 more Tuesdays and 3 more Wednesdays. Took a while for that to sink in..... Time!

1 comment:

Joe said...

Well it's not felted yet so I couldn't tell you the final size :D It currently measures 26 in long (22 in if you don’t count the bottom flatten out), and 21 in wide. That’s one big bag ;-)