I've been busy. In fact, we all thought that Matt was coming yesterday but we all were wrong. I taught health at Northview this morning and called Todd before I left. The hospital sent them home.An irritated uterus, is what they said was causing the contractions. Oh. Well!Soon. The kids in health did worksheets. It's just that teachers don't know who will be subbing for them and the worksheet keeps the lesson going. (This computer is running like molasses in Indiana in January, hence the title.) Anyway we started this conversation on dangling participles, English stuff! Don't ask! This one freshman said that he thought that he should go ask the nurse for a Tylenol for his participle.Then this other one said that he got caught shoplifting over the weekend. Then another said that he didn't feel like doing graphs. ADHD? I don't think so. Then they ALL turned them in done- except for the one graph.(I made him write a note on the bottom telling Mrs. Medworth why he did not do the graph.Long Note!!) I love my job. So much book material!!
Then I came home and knitted on a sock and a purse and made a diaper. Good thing I only had a half day. Love that,too.Did the laundry and some dishes and read a book. Just kidding about the book. I am not Superwoman. Maybe Wonder as in Wonder why!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
This is fun!
I got 2 more rather small boxes of yarn on my porch today. HSHSHSHSHS! Don't tell.Right now I don't need yarn as much as I need time. Maidy is about ready to have Matt and I have enough projects going that I know won't get finished before he gets here.Yeah! I know-just suck it up and go on!!This one package from KNITPICKS has some really good colors in it. I picked them out and they still make me feel good. WOW! Oh yes and I cut another monster out and bought a pair of striped socks at GW today.Oh and HALLMARK had candy 50% off so I bought 56 pieces at .25 apiece. You know there are times that I really miss the cents sign on the keyboard!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Diaper pattern
I cut out another diaper today. I'm still using the pattern I got by typing in diaper pattern in the search engine. As far as fabric goes another pattern said that she used recycled shirts and jeans. So I did too. Went to Walmart today with dh and found some flannel in the remnant bin. Actually it's an end cap, but they like to call it a "bin". Not to argue. Oh and I finished a beige one before Todd called to say that Maidy was dilating "1cm". Won't be long now!!
Monday, March 24, 2008

Hey John and Joany showed up at Nanny's house with Joany's niece in tow and a box, wrapped up with a bow and cute paper for me. Yes! That's right! For me. Just because! I love it. Let me tell you what was in it was a wonderful kit to make sock monsters. (I'm letting the camera battery charge so I'll get you a picture as soon as I can) My first monster is done. Stuffed and all. Soft stuffing and old socks. Who would have thought that I would be hooked. Hey I mated Dh's sock drawer looking for socks to use. Have to go to buy some I guess. A month ago there would have been a dozen or so to choose from.
Fried Bananas!!
We got the lawyer, the bank, the courthouse, and the post office taken care of this morning and went to LUCIANOS for lunch. Sounds Italian? Well it's Mexican! Wasn't there enough hint in the title? Those bananas are soooo good. Worth putting up with all things to dine on those. Twice a month at the most is allowable. Otherwise they become too common.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Stitches and yarns
I've been knitting a bag for the KAL swap. It's getting heavy, too.Don't know if I'll ever do another-oh who am I kidding? I've already got the yarn for 2 more. I got some rosewood circulars on sale at STITCHES AND SCONES Saturday. They are so nice to use. My hand doesn't get sore or go to sleep with them. There was a man there with his wife buying yarn for their afghans, remarkable. The yarns I got are yummy. When the girls asked me if I had found everything I wanted I had to tell them I need 2 more Tuesdays and 3 more Wednesdays. Took a while for that to sink in..... Time!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Crimean river? Cry me a river!
Anyway it's been a sad day. It's all my fault. You see I was felting some sweaters from GW, all right A LOT of sweaters,(happy?)from GW and I guess the water got too hot,because when I turned it to warm and threw my SWS socks in, which by the way I always wash like that. Well you guessed! The socks could now fit a 2 year old girl-they have pink in them. My face must have hit the floor when I saw them, my favorites. I tried the old baby shampoo trick, but alas to no avail. I refuse to let it ruin my sock fun though.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I'm making diapers!
Believe me. I really did make a diaper out of a couple of old shirts. Pattern said I could. I suppose,when you think about it, it's good for the environment. Todd showed me some fitted diapers for almost $19.00 a pair and some at $15.00,too. Made me want to barf.-Remember that word? uhhuh!Thought so! Anyway there is a pattern on line so I made one today before he gets back from Evansville. I mean it's not that Matt is not worth $400.00 worth of cloth diapers, but he does have a college fund.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Joannes is the winner
I ordered wool from KNITPICKS on Friday evening, actually it was more like 10pm. An hour later I ordered from Joannes. I got Joannes today. Perfect colors and great timing. Today Knitpicks told me that I could expect their box in 5-14 days. ARGhh! The whole thing proves that it is faster to get things from north to south that east to west. HMHMHMH! Wonder if it has anything to do with the tilt of the earth?
Monday, March 17, 2008
TODD's home
I taught gym class and DH and mom went to Indy to pick up Todd at the airport. Then, tonight, we went baby shopping! Todd is really enjoying this. Hope it continues. Enjoyment I mean. Matt has got to show up soon or the wallet is going to be flat. I don't think it'll go that far, but they are definitely going to need more storage.
Hey and while we were in Terre Haute I did not buy anything remotely related to knitting!! Aren't you so proud? I am!
Hey and while we were in Terre Haute I did not buy anything remotely related to knitting!! Aren't you so proud? I am!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
#3 days later,,,,,
Remember those old movies with now 3 days later? I loved those things. But I have really been busy. Teaching or subbing,whatever you call it, and that really depends on who you are too.Then I finished the Northview socks and started some more. You know that I now, at this very moment, have 5 different socks OTN.Sad,sad isn't it? I wanted to start a pair of slippers with crossover straps out of Patons SWS but then I saw this cool variegated and I lost it. My heart just had to see what those socks would be. So I did it. I may have to replace the picture with a lighter one, I'll see. Sometimes you just have to do it.
Well I tried and the picture is too dark. So later.
Well I tried and the picture is too dark. So later.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I'M ahead!!
Wow think I could take a week off and still have one for every day!!I've got so many things started. I probably need to be this far ahead. The weather is getting more SPRINGY! If that's a word, it certainly fits here. We're supposed to get a little cooler into next week. Here's hoping they're wrong.I got a box yesterday that I will post a picture of eventually. I'm tooo tired to think tonight. Good thing I am ahead! Right?
Now for another sock story!

Tis true! I almost finished my Northview socks so I had to start another pair. You know the best way to keep track of those needles is to keep them in use. I fully intend to do just that. Anyway this is a red variegated with brown pair. It is working up nicely. And the pair in the picture is out of the most expensive sock yarn I ever purchased. There I said it. Now I can buy more! Sometimes I feel so smart. Then I remind myself that I've not found the book I was looking for last week yet. So I'm off. I teach something tomorrow at Northview. Hey I taught computer apps today. And I learned something.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
cOloR Me
You know if I had to pick a color that I feel good in it would be on the blue side of red. Not to purple:rather to crimson. If I had to pick a color that I love to knit it would be on the other side of red- coral to banana yellow. Although my eyes are still blue I prefer reds. Now if you were to look at what I'm knitting now you would say "Huh!". I do like heathery blues. I look washed away in browns and grays and even blacks. Mom says it's the gray hair. I refuse to change it. After all I am going to be a grandmother. I guess that's why I like self stripe and variegated so much. I get my color fix and some punch too.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Last year's yarn
While it is true that I am prolific, speaking of knitting but kids too, I sometimes buy more than I can use. OK.Still with me? I've got this nice 100% wool that I got at the Fibre Fest in Greencastle last year that I could really use in a swap. Trouble is I don't know if it is enough. Arghhh!Let me think how to measure it. No I am not going to use a yard stick!
Monday, March 10, 2008
A well is a hole in the ground
You know I finished a sock in English today. A variegated black/white/gray fits well in to Northview-their school colors. Then tonight after I talked with Susan in Georgia- she's in Georgia,not me--I finished the one skein shawl. Now, tomorrow at Northview being whomever I am, I must get to the heel of the second sock. So nice to have goals.Otherwise the hole that I'm making in my stash is going to be sucked back and I'll have to start anew. I could and I will keep digging.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Eating out!
Yes we did! With both of our moms in tow, we went to a buffet. (BTW that's so much easier to spell than what it was called when I was a kid. You know! The Swedish word.)I gotta tell you that I ate too much. Calorie wise I believe I'm still under fifteen hundred. Hey I'm little and I'm not growing and I'm not really moving around too much today. So just stifle yourself. Anyway Beulah said that she told DH what she wanted. Trouble is he wasn't listening. I saw that look on his face and knew it was my turn. So I got her 3 plates. A little on each and she didn't even have to tell me what she wanted. AH! Motherhood! The training I received there is invaluable. Too bad a resume' doesn't have a place for it. Let's try something different next time though.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
This is so not me today, maybe yesterday
What Brenda Means |
![]() You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous. You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things. Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times. You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. |
shopping day
Yes it's true. Dh, Cody, and I went to Terre Haute and shopped this afternoon. I found some really good, no make that GREAT, 90% off sales. Pier One was great, and the coffee shop in the mall- Wolfe's, I think,- and Hallmark, not too shabby. I was just late for their best stuff. Books-a Million is still my favorite hang out. Not for 90% off but for everything. I found all kinds of books, just not the one I wanted. I need to check a pattern and I can't for the life of me remember where I put the book so I thought that I'd just check BAM. No such luck. Well that's the courage's way out anyway. I just need to think and dig and find. The book has to be here. Oh and I missed supper so got a fish at McD's. Mighty tasty!!I'll keep you posted. Promise!
I Missed Friday
Actually I did miss Friday. It went by too fast. We turn our clocks up one hour tomorrow, which is Saturday, so I'll probably miss that,too.Since I've not been to bed yet, to me it's still Friday. Sorry about that!! Just in case you wonder I taught art today more correctly Ceramics 2. I fixed chili tonight at mom's house and then came home and watched "Pursuit of Happyness" with Ken, who missed the first half.It was a free movie from MOVIE GALLERY so we can keep it until Wednesday. Maybe he'll see it all by then. It was REALLY good. With a tape I could skip ahead and see how it ended but not with DVDs. Nuts! So I knitted a variegated sock while I watched. Did I also mention that I L-O-V-E variegated yarn? Didn't think so, but I do!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Kal and swap. Questions anyone?
Do you knit, crochet, or do both? Both
For how long? Half a century
What other crafts do you do, if any? I like to do redwork when I get the chance
What are your favorite colors? Bright clear ones Colors you loathe? dark brown/black/purple
Favorite yarn brands? Whatever I find in the color I have to have
Fiber types? eyelash is all wrong and fingering is ridiculous
Yarn you can't stand? brown worsted
What is your favorite type of item to knit/crochet? Heavily into socks right now
What kind of needles do you like? (i.e. circular, straight, metal, bamboo, etc.)Love circular -HiyaHiya
Any knitting tools you lack but crave? more time
Patterns you've been dying to get but haven't yet? WORSTED weight shawl
Do you drink coffee, tea, cocoa? Tea Flavors you love/hate? love peach/spiced ----hate chamomille
Favorite sweets & snacks? nutter butter cookies,the kind you break apart. I rediscovered these last week
Any pets, 8 cats- could be more
spouses?one for 37 years
Favorite things to knit/crochet for the above, if applicable? He loves bed socks
What kinds of books do you like to read? light reading Like Debbie Macomber
Don't have the Rosewood series
Do you collect anything? (besides yarn! LOL!)Fireking cups and china cups-have to be preowned
What, if any, are your non-craft related hobbies?With 7 grown kids it's really hard to say:get back to that
Scents you adore?spicy This makes me gag?skunk
What is your idea of a relaxing time? Home alone
Oh yeah, are you on Ravelry and if so, care to share your Ravelry ID? Nope, not there
Have fun posting and reading your spoilee's when assigned. :)
For how long? Half a century
What other crafts do you do, if any? I like to do redwork when I get the chance
What are your favorite colors? Bright clear ones Colors you loathe? dark brown/black/purple
Favorite yarn brands? Whatever I find in the color I have to have
Fiber types? eyelash is all wrong and fingering is ridiculous
Yarn you can't stand? brown worsted
What is your favorite type of item to knit/crochet? Heavily into socks right now
What kind of needles do you like? (i.e. circular, straight, metal, bamboo, etc.)Love circular -HiyaHiya
Any knitting tools you lack but crave? more time
Patterns you've been dying to get but haven't yet? WORSTED weight shawl
Do you drink coffee, tea, cocoa? Tea Flavors you love/hate? love peach/spiced ----hate chamomille
Favorite sweets & snacks? nutter butter cookies,the kind you break apart. I rediscovered these last week
Any pets, 8 cats- could be more
spouses?one for 37 years
Favorite things to knit/crochet for the above, if applicable? He loves bed socks
What kinds of books do you like to read? light reading Like Debbie Macomber
Don't have the Rosewood series
Do you collect anything? (besides yarn! LOL!)Fireking cups and china cups-have to be preowned
What, if any, are your non-craft related hobbies?With 7 grown kids it's really hard to say:get back to that
Scents you adore?spicy This makes me gag?skunk
What is your idea of a relaxing time? Home alone
Oh yeah, are you on Ravelry and if so, care to share your Ravelry ID? Nope, not there
Have fun posting and reading your spoilee's when assigned. :)
Handbag swap
a href="http://www.swap-bot.com/swap/show/12283" title=""Make My Bag" Bag Swap">
I swap with Swap-bot!
Hey I cannot help myself. Especially when I got that new book in Virginia. I have made two totes in the past two days and started a third. What am I using? Why old blue jeans. Yes! Old blue jeans and a heavy blue/yellow plaid shirt. They are really cute. I'll get you a picture tomorrow when the light is better. Honest!

I swap with Swap-bot!
Hey I cannot help myself. Especially when I got that new book in Virginia. I have made two totes in the past two days and started a third. What am I using? Why old blue jeans. Yes! Old blue jeans and a heavy blue/yellow plaid shirt. They are really cute. I'll get you a picture tomorrow when the light is better. Honest!
Handmade postcard swap
See I told you glutton for punishment. Todd is coming home next week so there are a ton of things I need to do and here I sit, talking to you and trying to "cut and paste" and create links. Oh, right! I suppose I could ask someone, but then they would have to know "Why?" and I'll retain if I do it myself. At least that's the theory I'm sticking with.
I'll show you pictures before I send maybe and then again I may not. Oh, it's not because you're not worth it. Heaven knows that you are. But time is of the essence and,well, you understand.

I swap with Swap-bot!
I'll show you pictures before I send maybe and then again I may not. Oh, it's not because you're not worth it. Heaven knows that you are. But time is of the essence and,well, you understand.

I swap with Swap-bot!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Mom and pants
Because pant legs are always too long for me, I have to shorten them. I come from a long line of people who have to cut off and hem pants to various lengths. That being said, my grandmother, a master tailor, taught me how to shorten men's pants. Thankfully my dh is a standard length which by the way is the inseam-from the crotch down. I,myself, have been known to wear carpris as long pants. Which brings me inadvertently to my story. Mom always had to shorten dad's pants and I, being the loving daughter that I am, periodically have been known to consult her on shortening in general. My mom hates a pattern. She can go to the GW, buy a designer classic, cut it down to fit perfectly, but she cannot or will not buy yard goods and a pattern. She was my model for recycling. My mom has had a pair of my corduroys for school for almost a month. I have tried them on and she has pinned them up and hemmed one leg, now I have to try them on again to make sure. Of what, I don't know. I hemmed a pair of pants tonight by matching length to another pair, whacking them off, and sewing a turned hem by machine. No pins. No trying on. I fully admit that you can see the stitches and that they are not 20 to the inch. I really do love my mom. Her patience is immeasurable. After all, she's hemming my pants.
Indiana!! Love it!!
OK! So we had a winter storm warning last night. This morning the ground was covered with about 2 inches of snow.
(If you're metric, that's enough to cover the shoe and get your foot wet!) Oh. and there was ice too! So we had a two hour delay of school this morning and believe me, I did not get up to answer the phone to sub. My dad would have said that I'm as independent as a hog on ice. Well maybe but I had some stuff I wanted to mail and a tote bag I wanted to make. Whoops! I forgot the picture of that. Maybe later.
Anyway the snow is gone and it's about 40 degrees.(Don't even ask to have that changed to Celsius!) Wait I'll get you a picture.

Anyway the snow is gone and it's about 40 degrees.(Don't even ask to have that changed to Celsius!) Wait I'll get you a picture.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Hey Dee called!
It's so much fun when Dee calls. Her life is zany to say the least.She has a lot of fun and deals quite well with all the twists and turns in her life. I think she is getting ready to start drawing and painting again. Good for her!
I got side-tracked
I did, really I did. Course you know that's easy to do. Especially for me.Anyway I've been looking for a book, that I took out of my knitting bag Sunday. I forgot where I put it. But in the meantime, I taught bowling and mailed my Dotees in bottles and went to GW and cooked lunch. Ribs and cabbage and carrots-baby ones are really good all cooked together in a saucepan. Oh and you know that coffe maker that's still in the box because I don't have counter room? Well yesterday from BOCA JAVA I got a hot chocolate maker. I really gotta make room!! I love that company! and their teas are delicious. They sent some of their hot chocolate mix with this order. HMHMHMhhmhhmMhm! So yum!
Monday, March 3, 2008
hey I finished something!!
Not that I don't finish things.
I can make 2 socks. I am pretty close to 2 more pair. But....I'm doing a Dotee swap and I finished them. I think that's pretty cool since I've never seen a Dotee up close and personal. They reminded me of those pincushions I made when I was little--oh, all right I'm still little --so younger. There! Brad, ds#4, says those little COKE bottles make me look normal size. I am normal size. They're just bigger than me.Not the Dotees, my sons and, for that matter, daughters too.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Burn those calories!!
Kenny brought home a fast food calorie counter from NUCOR. It says that every time I eat a McChicken I have to knit 10 hours to burn off the calories. So that means that if I eat two I can still get four hours of sleep. Think of one though I don't think that I could hold 2-- 10 hours of knitting.Love it! Love it!! You see it is all in the way that you look at things.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
When you need them,where are they?
It is so frustrating to look for something that you saw someplace you were and have it not be there, but rather someplace that you know you haven't been: let alone carrying whatever you were looking for in the first place. I'm speaking of non-living stuff. The kind that can't get up and walk away that is never where I left it. It kinda grows on you after awhile you know. You'll eventually find whatever but in the process find something old and make it new, cause you forgot you had it. I love my life. Truly, I do.
Let's move the motorcycle!!
Ken picked up his motorcycle from the shop today with a clean bill of health-good to go. He left Cody's there for its tune up. Remember the picture of him on his motorcycle? Shortly-like an hour- after that picture he hurt his back on Brad's bike. Now he has to put his bike out of the trailer which he bought to haul the mower in.(I am so gullible!) And he really does not feel good at all. Throat! Nose!Fever! At least it's relatively pleasant out, not -15 degrees. There's a plus.I'll let you know. No! I can't do it for him. That's a big Suzuki.
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