Wednesday, December 31, 2008
You know that I could have spent the last 2 days viciously typing the needed posts to reach 366. But sometimes you just got to let go. Good thing we don't live in Berlin, they are all ready in '09. That would really put me behind.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Well I'm off
I Know! I've been off most of my life but if Cody doesn't leave to get Tina soon I WILL have to wear this mop back to Virginia. Challenged?? Yes I am! And before I forget if you leave the "E" out of leave, how come spellcheck doesn't get it?? What kind of a word is 'LAVE" anyway. Use lave in a sentence. I certainly have never. Maybe that's a good thing. Hmm, maybe I better look it up. You think.?
Seriously I have seen the new baby's picture. Looks like a keeper at 10 weeks. Todd and Maidy brought stuff home for it. Funny saying "it", but the only name they have picked out that they're telling is--ready??
Yes! I did just realize that I missed the whole month of November. How I have no idea! I mean it's not that I was really busy certainly. Though I was somewhat preoccupied. But still to miss a whole month somehow seems wrong. Like forgetting your underwear.
Matt went to INDY
True! His mom and dad took him to see some Indiana. So I get to get a PERMANENT or something similar done to this mop on my head. I do use the term mop loosely in this case!
Strong start
Well I did have a plan when I started but what is said about the best laid plans of mice and men holds true for me also. Ah! You say that I'm not a man. True!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Paid or not
You know it sure helps in my line of work, or un-work, to be a little nutty. That's a good thing, considering that I'm 50 some posts behind on the year! O yes and the keyboard is DERANGED. Wonder just where that line went anyway? O and did I mention -the POP UPS??! Not the tasty ones. I believe those are pop TARTS.
Still in VA
Hey that's not the hospital, it's the state. It's not all that bad for a state either. By that I mean it's not home. I guess some would consider it that, just not me. Not now or later for that matter. It's not that there's not things to do, but rather that it just is not layed out in a way conducive for me to do them. I don't think straight describes any road out here. And thankfully, the house faces the morning sun, so my directions are in tact when I arise. O, and did I mention that the keyboard is a DERANGED LAPTOP. Understandably not the fault of the state! Now how did that line get under this part.?? Could be the LINE FAIRY!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Phone call
You know it's funny to me that my dad lives in a phone. I hear him every night. Mom, too.It's really weird. I've pushed a lot of buttons,once I even called Florida while dad was talking, but he's still in that phone. Guess I'm going to have to take action soon. I bet that his little legs are tired.
No chicken yet!
Magoo told me that she saw a hawk eating the road. Now I am not sure what a hawk is, but if it eats roads I'm pretty sure I've seen some of its teeth marks. She found a bunch of chickens, so she said. BUT I did not get to see them.
Leaving on a jet plane
But I do know when I'll be back again--12/24, barring weather related airport delays. I think that I am ready. I know that I will forget something. OH! Nuts! Go for it!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Workin' for Pa
I forgot to tell you about Indiana. It's fun, but there's a lot of stuff to do. And pa needs a lot of help like working on his old truck. Uncle Brad used to help, but he got too big. So now I get to. It's good to know these things. I just hope I remember everything, like looking behind before I back up. I sure could use a back up beep thing. That big red truck had one.
Forest Park
These are of me and some friends at the Park. Hey I didn't name it that! All I know is I got in the car again , Uncle Brad's Jeep, something about the van, I forget. Anyway it was kinda far away but closer that that. Pa parked the Jeep and we started doing all kinds of stuff. First though I saw a squirrel. Not big, but kinda short.I still can't find any chicken, I'll keep trying and tell you when,
There was a ton of things I could have should have done while Matt and Nanny had a playdate at her house. She came after him about 10. Didn't call because she said that she was afraid to wake him up. Yeah, right! She knows that the phones are shut off. Anyway I took him up and went back around 2 to get him. They were in the kitchen. She was pushing him back and forth in his stroller and he was talking to her. She taught him more "raspberries". Okay. He probably didn't need to learn that but he was laughing so hard as the 2 of them practiced, what could I say.Oh Yes! Matt and Maxine are on speaking terms again.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Me, Matt
Let's try again. Sometimes I go to bed with the chickens here in Indiana. Nanny does too. In fact she's the one who told me that. Now I got to say I haven't seen a chicken since, come to think of it the last chicken I saw was fried, I think at that restaurant Sunday. I got to get someone to show me some chickens way before they get fried. Sometimes I get up way before the birdies. Magoo told me that. So I lay there and listen for them to wake up. Sometimes they take too long.I'm always busy. Sometimes, Parker has my back. Sometimes I get too busy to help him fill his plate (cat food is NOT good, Do Not Eat it ever) and he leaves. He always comes back with his friends though. That's good.
Now this is eatin'
I just wanted everyone to know that these biter biscuit have the best flavor! So good! Just a cold bottle of whatever makes a good snack. I am totally impressed with this growing up stuff. This just beats a lot of stuff I've tasted so far. Not OREOS though! They are my all time favorite cookie! Hey why do they call them cookies anyway? I'd call them all good, just plain good! I always will say that a fine cookie is worth the wait. Notice the smell!! Good stuff! People I insist raise your pinkie and go eat a cookie,! Not mine though!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I didn't do it
I just found out that I don't get to swap with Starbucks. I guess that's all right and I know that I will live, but I really don't remember signing up and not completing a swap ever. I have been forgotten in some swaps and lived through it. But never have I forgotten anyone in a swap. That is until now I just found out tonight. Sometimes you feel like you have to look up to see the belly of a snake. Right now that's how low I feel. The sun will shine tomorrow.
Monday, September 29, 2008
a different restaurant
Well I got to tell you that my Pa sure likes to eat at restaurants. So we all went far away to get Uncle John and Aunt Joany and then we went farther to another place. And then they ate. Nanny said it was too salty and Uncle John put some brown stuff on his finger to let me taste. But I wasn't born yesterday. I don't know where that came from cause I sure didn't do it, and there was no way I was going to taste it. They had yucky mashed potatoes,too. I did taste them. Pa said that we won't be going back there. He said that my Pap would drive 3 hours to eat at a restaurant. I would have to take a lunch for that!
goin in to Sunrise
No body can remember the name of this place since it has been here since before Magoo and Pa and Magoo ate their wedding supper with my great great grandmother Mam-maw here when it was Flicks,And don't ask me how many names. Maybe if I drove I would be able to tell you! But how many people my height could have a license? Just think about it!
Uncle Brad and me
Well Uncle Brad was at Nanny's house when I got there. Magoo never tells me these things. Sometimes I feel like I'm flying by the seat of Pampers. Hey what does that mean anyway? I heard that someplace the other day only they said seat of their pants. Same thing! I just feel more honest not to say pants yet, Okay? Anyway I want to show you this picture of me at the restaurant with Uncle Brad. I even danced on the table and listened to them talk about nothing. Well nothing I knew about anyway.
Just drop it!
Gumdrop lunch
Yes indeed! My new diet for today at least consisted of 2 pieces of peanut butter and cherry preserves toast.(It really should be labeled JELLY after you get down half way as there is no fruit below the first inch of goodness. I didn't make it though, Kroger did. So ....) There I go again-OFF TOPIC. I did have 12 spice drops and two cups of Twining tea for lunch. Hey don't knock it! I've lost 5 pounds this month, however in all honesty this was my first gumdrop lunch. Oh, yes! Around 3 I had a Bagel Dog with mustard and more tea and then 12 pieces of candy corn. I got to throw the bags away and eat dessert. Oh the perils of staying home! I love it!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The day the van died-again
Hey yesterday we went to Terre Haute. Just wanted some ink cartridges for the printer. First though we went to River Wool. Matt thought the yarn in there was just right, hate to see what he'd do at Stitches and Scones. He was nice, but very tempted. The clerk,Val, carried him around and let him touch anything and be touched by everything fuzzy. They giggled together. He did pick out a really great sock color. All I have to do is knit them. We then drove to OFFICE MAX,walked next door to Books-a-Million, then walked back to the van, got in the carseat,put the key in and nothing. So we walked to Old Navy and bought a hat and two pair of pajamas, then back to the van, key in, nothing. So we went back to Books A Million and had a strawberry kiwi smoothie. It was very good. Should have been because the bottle had curdled. Back out to the van-nothing. Called Anola to come get Matt and Pa to get the tow truck number. Called the tow. Nola and Michael showed up and took Matt to Brazil. Me? I rode in the big truck! Better luck next time,Matt! Five hours after we left for Terre Haute,the van was deposited in our drive and the driver left. I opened the van door and put the key in the ignition and viola! it started right up. Oh! and the tow was $100.00. Matt put his new jays on and went to bed. I have numbered the days of the van.
I got my second 3
Yeah! It's true I got my second three on swapbot today. Seems as if some judge a swapper on their own strengths. To me that's so sad, because there are a lot of non professional type people out there. Handicapped temporarily of permanently, these people have a lot to give everyplace.I don't swap to judge another. Oh sure everyone likes to get nice. But nice to me isn't nice to you let alone to my neighbor.(You'll have to trust me on that!) My dad always said that it wouldn't do for everyone to like the same thing. The thing is this has become a global community and being that no one knows everyone. Taste differ. I refuse to eat calamari, while peanut butter is so good. There are no IEPs anyplace. I can't know you or your circumstances. So thanks for the mail and thinking of me.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Not here but everywhere
Well Matt's in bed. You know I got to thinking, yeah I know-make a note of that, anyway since we've been here we haven't been home all day except for maybe the day it rained and then I'm not sure whether it kept us in all day. He's really a lady killer and loves meeting and greeting. Just so he's aware of that when he gets older.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
One too many
We are going to sleep tonight. At least I think so. Busy socializing today. Saw a whole lot of new people and had our best face forward.
Monday, September 15, 2008
all over again from Matt
Well all I've got to say is that it's a good thing that I can't walk yet, cause Magoo had me all over town this afternoon. I got carried. Everyone speaks to me. I know they're talking to me when they say cute 'cause Magoo isn't. Oh yes and I helped Aunt Nola open a wedding present yesterday in Uncle Cody's room from one of her teachers. If it had been bigger I could have ripped more. But as the French say --sa la girl- or whatever. Hey I'm only 5 months and dictation is hard.
Grass cutting
Matt sure watched Pa cut the grass for a while this afternoon. You know that he's definitely a wheel man. The view from the porch is all the closer he could get and Pa, well he was out by the mailbox waving and cutting and saying "Hi,Matt" and cutting and waving. We came in then because he was going to get closer. So we watched from the bay window until he disappeared again and we found ourselves something else to do before we headed downtown.
It's me,Matthew
I've been very busy. (I wanted to say xtreemlee, but I can't spell that word)
Anyway I really needed to tell someone how to make me fruit smoothies. These are a yummy part of a good night.If you don't believe that I know how, please refer to my chocolate milk story. Now before I go to bed or at least sometime during that day, I eat some fruit. I try hard not to eat all of it. 'cause that's the smoothie part. Magoo says that fruits make wine, whatever!, so sweet potatoes work too. You have to put the leftover fruit in the formula. (It's not necessary that everyone knows about my bottle, is it!)Then shake it like crazy, singing 'twist and shout'!Then quickly, let me taste and I will either approve or, well you might have to add more shaking. I just love that part.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Now if I could
Sometimes I like to be really pensive. It's hard not to look bored though. Like when Aunt Nola was reading me the Scarlet Letter. Nuts! I'll probably have to read it again someday for myself.But reading is good. I like it. Oh and those legs in front of me belong to "Boy". Sometimes he likes to eat books. He doesn't have hair, I do. And that's that!
Walker is not a Ranger
There are no wheels on this dune buggy thing,walker if you will. Nonetheless the thought is that it makes me, Matt, feel big. Personally I like that as long as I get carried. Saves shoe leather and they spend calories and, face it, snuggling time is fleeting. Maxine likes it too. Nanny makes her fly sometimes and I laugh because Maxine can't fly in a raincoat. Anyway I digress. Here's my dune buggy walker thing. I hope you like it. I know I do.
Olives, anyone??
You deserve to check out I like lemons if you think my knitting is quirky. She's knitting olives. Go ahead. There's a link on the side. She's even knitted balls. Now that I may try for Matt. It'll be her fault! Isn't it strange that there are people like us out there? Anyway after you check out lemons come right back!!
When I started this I wanted one post a day or 366 for the year. Leap year, you know! Anyway I just wonder if I'll make it. Maybe. Especially if I can tear myself away from the sock on one circular. I mean that is so much fun. Oh, and did I tell you I figured out how to do mittens from the top down. TRUE. I now have 5 pair at least finished. Aren't you proud of me and my little kid's hands. I know I am. Just for that I may make another soon. Stash reduction. Yet another goal. I love it! Here follow me.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Lemon knitting blog
I found it tonight on Ravelry. A group of cute patterns, which I intend to try- eventually, someday, when I have all the time in the world.
Matt's in bed. I forgot to tell you that we went in to Nanny's tonight. Seems that her car battery is dead and she called her brother, Uncle Dale, to jump or charge it. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you that she left her car running for two hours the other day while she took a nap among other things. I just can't wait to see her face as she pays over $4 a gallon. I bet that will be a picture from life's other side.
Real need
This MAC is really friendly. I expect it to bring me good things. Now if I could just figure out Flickr and how to load pictures of Matt from the memory card to here.Oh I do love a challenge.
I have taken this Ravelry swap group on. Oh, no not that way.! The kind where I get more responsibility than average. Right now I'm wanting to do a project for the home and to me that was a challenge. You know to step away from the comfort zone of putting things on and taking them off and putting them up (oK that didn't always happen). When you knit for your home things stay visible at all times to remind you of.............
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sleep and grow
The other thing is that he's been sleeping about 16 hours counting 12 at night. No wonder he's gained half a pound and grown almost half an inch. Mam-maw would have loved to tell him that we were going to put a brick on his head to keep him little longer. Funny, how you think of those things 25 years later. Any way, to my knowledge, no bricks were ever used in my family. We're just naturally short!! Don't tell I used that word. You know! Short.
ShhhHHhhh! Sleeping
Nanny just wears Matt out. They play and play, then she gets out balls and stuff. Then she makes Maxine fly, which drives him to peals of laughter. Then she opens the front door so that he can hear the big dog. Then comes the bottle and the rocker and four drooping eyes. Bedtime is calling! I wouldn't trade it for the world!
Move it! Emeril
matt's posting
fghnhnhjjl.lsxolm;/,mnadcbc botttl
I really don't think you can read this, A rough translation is that his bottle has a sock to keep it from leaking. Got it now?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
A very full morning
Well Matt is here. I wanted him to do his own blogging, but you know how men are at this age. Oh well nuts! Do they ever change? So let me start with today, Thursday and work backwards, maybe. Anyway after a 12 hour snooze, we showered and dressed (yes WE).We both got weighed. That was interesting. Then off to Krogers for more of that formula. A very light breakfast, but satisfying nonetheless. Who me? Nothing, no time.We bought 5 bottles of the "stuff" and then walked to Fiesta, where he promptly claimed their hearts. I got a haircut while Matt sat on my lap so he could see the mirrors-quietly. He politely answered questions directed to him with a "goo" or"Gooblleink". Hope I've spelled that correctly. We then went to the post office, They looked but were too busy to talk any more than business. Friendly enough I suppose. Then we headed for Riddell to make a deposit. It was beginning to sprinkle and we decided to use the drivethru.The garbage truck was going while we were changing diapers, so we hurried to go see him. When the man saw us he waved and Matt threw up in his left hand in a similar gesture. He laid for about 15 minutes on the bed waiting for PA to get here, but the bottle was too good and pa was late.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Oh! Ouch!
Matt got three shots today. The nurse promised not to hurt him. She lied. His face turned red and he let out a wail that could be heard to the capitol I bet. Hey relax! It's only 20 miles or so. Anyway we got her name and we know we don't want her next time unless she takes lessons. Funny how Dr. Gloria never made our kids cry. She was good. Real good.
Don't call
Well Todd called DELTA with questions about baggage and Matt and skymiles.Seems like a bother to them to answer questions. The ticket is set and we are ready to go tomorrow, so we'll ask the questions when we get there. His back really hurts and he has to go to school in the morning.Poo-poo baby!
Believe you me I was as surprised as you. Todd got about a mile from the house on his way to school and a kid pulls out in front of him. BAM!! The high school senior had his car just 2 months. The good news is the guy's dad manages a BEN and JERRY'S and told Todd come in for free ice cream. YUM! Oh by the way, neither one was hurt bad. No blood. Todd's back is sorer. T-bone anyone and that will happen. He's just glad he was in the ESCAPE. The day is pretty well over for him. Enterprise will not have a car here until around 3. Pediatrician appointment at 2. Yes, that is the order of things.
Mittens anyone?
Hey I figured out how to knit mittens from the top down!!!! Yes!! Happy dance!! Now, since I've been here, in Virginia remember, I've finished 5, not enough yarn for number 6. Oh and the 5 do not match, oh other than the yarn color.(See previous post-strange) Add those to the 3 pair that do match, I have 11 custom fit mittens!!Tada! Well I admit 2 pair I knit before I left home. But just think. I have mittens that fit my growing girl size patty paws. I am so proud. I just wonder if Matt would like a matching pair. Possible! Go for it? OK!
Lullaby and good morning!
You know it was like this and like that.....
I always wanted to type that and now I can move on. Virginia is doing strange things to my mind.Whoa! Did I really say that? Well as strange as I am, I believe I am stranger now. Scary?Yes!But then I'll be home Saturday evening. Oh one thing more. Back Home Again in Indiana is Matt's favorite lullaby. I kid you not. I think it'll probably vary from person to person. But he loves my off key version so much that if I quit singing before he wants he begins singing. How about that?
I always wanted to type that and now I can move on. Virginia is doing strange things to my mind.Whoa! Did I really say that? Well as strange as I am, I believe I am stranger now. Scary?Yes!But then I'll be home Saturday evening. Oh one thing more. Back Home Again in Indiana is Matt's favorite lullaby. I kid you not. I think it'll probably vary from person to person. But he loves my off key version so much that if I quit singing before he wants he begins singing. How about that?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
PostIng limit
I can't believe that I let August almost slip away completely with a very limited number of posts. Funny how those things, like,oh I don't know- LIFE gets in the mix. Certainly not clouds.That's referencing an old song about clouds getting in the way of seeing clearly what you wanted.
Could be! Not sure! You know yourself when the soup is stirred too much it gets all mush and mud. Really not very appetizing to anyone. That's kind of been this whole week. Unbelievable upheaval! All for some one's benefit. Although who benefited remains to be seen. But then again maybe..........ah! nuts! Life! Who knows from nothing!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
It's not that!
I've not forgotten my goal-to write daily- but I've been really busy. Quite frankly there's no way you would come to remotely understand anything that happened this summer. There is no way that I'm going to be able to relay to you the atmosphere of the summer.Big sigh! Suffice to say that tomorrow is always coming. And that, you can take to the bank!
Monday, August 4, 2008
me 'n Matt
After we took Nan to the airport, oh, and that's a story in itself. Hang in there! I' get back to you on that. We went shopping at two different grocery stores in two different towns. He's good.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Still here
Dh is doing his checkbook. Heaven only knows when we'll leave for Virginia.! Sometime before mid-afternoon,I hope. Been there. Done that, truly. Let me get back to you on it!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
more trouble
Air conditioner quit on the van. Must take PT Cruiser to Virginia tomorrow. See I told you there was a reason for having all those kids. It was so we can play "musical cars". Are we having fun yet?
BEtwEen CRasHes
Miss me? Computer crash again! That's the third time this month. Everything went begging. Sorry! I think he's buying a MAC. Not a quarter pounder. An APPLE! Got it? I hope so. No ergo keyboard though, I hope. I really will have to wear glasses then.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Yesterday when I was
The next word is YOUNG. Right now I feel that it has been longer since yesterday for me. Trying to get everything caught up on SWAPBOT before we head out again. Working out pretty well, too. Except that I can't remember what size needle I used for the band on that market bag. Think I'll assume that I used what the pattern called for. I shall never use that pattern again on anything less than a 40 inch circular.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
You know accidents happen
On the way back we detoured from I-68 to I-70 to US30. Accidents! Took us 2 hours longer but hey we saw country that we will never get to see again, I hope. US30 is an old mountain highway, two lane. I remembered about an hour in to the mountains that that kind of driving and my mother don't mix. She threatened never to go to Virginia with me again because of that road, as if I planned it. She's sitting on the edge of her seat, reading all of the signs for trucks and wanting me to gear down, because 45 is too fast. For that matter, so was 30. Then she says that if the brakes burn up WE can call KENNY. Right?So instead of getting into Ohio at 9 as planned, it was closer to 11 and then the overhead lights wouldn't go off in the car and she's punching every button that the dash has to offer. We pulled into a Red Roof and they charged too much. The days of $18 a night are over. Right? Right! We stayed anyway. My treat! Check out is 12 noon. We left at 11:50 am.
Goodwill hunting!
My mom has withdrawal. True enough. She has not been to a GW or a thrift store in days, so I found one in Greenfield, In and in Indianapolis. She felt better. All right by me too.Did not find her any pants to go back to Virginia. As if they were sorely needed! She's just trying to get out of sewing. That's all right, too, I guess.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
BEHIND on the year again
Ten posts behind for July and one someplace else. Poison ivy or whatever it was looks better. Nanny is having fun and Matt needs a change. All good!!
We're here! You're there!
This is our second full day in Virginia.Weather is not supposed to be great later in the week. This is Thursday.How much later in the week can you get?! Hey the keys are reversed on the lines and question slash. Just thought Id throw that in for you. So is the z and y and there is no apostrophe. WOW!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Highlight visit by Todd and Maidy and MATT. Guapo baby! Hey I know that I'm mixing languages by what the heck. Susan came too for the wedding and brought Ariana. Susan and I went to the yarn shop.--Stitches and Scones. Got the last scone, too! What fun she is!
I'm good!
Well I have held together more or less for the week amid all the goings on. I just hope next summer isn't like this-weddings, okay, but forget the divorce. Oh Yes! Dee called to say that she and Tom are calling it quits.
Rental Car
Looks as if we will rent a car for the trip to Virginia. Nothing like getting the van ready to go only to have it refuse to start to be back out of the garage. I sure bet there were some red-faced mechanics. Oh, brother! Probably thought they had broke something for sure!
Monday, July 7, 2008
REAL GOOD reunion
Saturday was food eating day. The Jones family has some really good chefs and that includes second and third generations. All right? All right!The whole thing was at Lori's house on US 40.People from 3 states all related to Charles and Edna. Good? Very good!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Matt's GUAPO
Well he is. Just in case you have not heard I thought that this would be a good time to tell you again. Brad spent the afternoon holding him and smooching on him while he was asleep. Before Brad came he only slept about 20 minutes at a time. Then Brad showed up. Matt zonked right out, almost as if he were waiting for his Uncle Brad. We all went to MARIO's for supper after dh woke up.Dh goes to work tonight and believe me he didn't have to wait for Brad to get here to go to sleep. John and Joany came down later.
Monday, June 30, 2008
I found this on the blog spot: Needles on the Move. I had tried it one time before, got people to sign up but when I went to check their blogs and asked for mailing addresses I did not get a response. I would love to be involved in this for the mere reason of the giving to others with not expectation of receiving anything back like I do with my exchanges I sign up for like dishcloths, stitch markers, etc. So, IF you are serious about being involved with the PIF idea., please sign the comments with your e-mail and blog spot address included. I will contact the first three individuals for their snail address when I get them and check out your blog spot to make sure you have posted this on your site.
This went around a while back and was revived recently by Emmms, whose blog I signed up on to receive cool stuff. The giving is the more important part though so I’m hereby opening up for three people to receive a gift that may or may not deal with knitting from me sometime in the next 6 months.The principle (if you’ve never heard of PIF) is basically a bit of altruistic sharing of the love. Here are the rules: I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange, and who make the same pledge on their own blogs. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 6 months, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do is play it forward.
Thanks Wooly Socks for a wonderful idea!!
This went around a while back and was revived recently by Emmms, whose blog I signed up on to receive cool stuff. The giving is the more important part though so I’m hereby opening up for three people to receive a gift that may or may not deal with knitting from me sometime in the next 6 months.The principle (if you’ve never heard of PIF) is basically a bit of altruistic sharing of the love. Here are the rules: I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this PIF exchange, and who make the same pledge on their own blogs. I don’t know what that gift will be yet and you may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 6 months, that is my promise! The only thing you have to do is play it forward.
Thanks Wooly Socks for a wonderful idea!!
Baesler's again
Hey when I got the van back from the garage it needed gas. I waited for Terre Haute. So tonight I got gas at Baesler's for --Fanfare_--Trumpets--DRUMROLL. Are you ready? ....$2.31 a gallon. If anyone would have told me back during the gas shortage and long lines and 84 cents a gallon that one day I would be pleased as punch to get a gas bargain at $2.31, I would have asked what they had been smoking. Really!
L-O-N-G short Trip
Anola and I went to Terre Haute this afternoon and got back around 10. Not bad at all knowing where all we went and what we bought. Needless to say; we won't be doing that too much longer. Hey and I got nothing, zero, zilch, nil related in any way, shape, or form to my crafting. There, aren't you proud? Dh hung some stuff for me this morning in the bay window room. You know, the one with the new floor.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
shabby chic
Well I put myself into hosting on SWAPBOT again. This time we'll be doing a shabby chic tote. I suppose a purse would be fine too.When I think shabby chic, I don't really see pink and big flowers. I see a conglomeration of soft, worn cotton. Does that make sense? I hope so.I love button embellishments, too. Laces are fine. I just prefer buttons or charms. Quilt blocks make a good element, too. Red work in another color even would be so charming. Think recycling whenever you can. I try. Go to May 17,2008 for pictures of bags.
Got the kittens back!!!
It seems that the kittens took a ride to Crawfordsville, roughly 55 miles, a couple days ago with Kenny; someplace on the truck. Two of them showed up for the ride home. No idea where the white one is. Let me tell you if it's not good for him, don't tell me. My question is,"How did they find the truck after two days?". Think about it. They're still nursing some. No biggy. They are 6 weeks old. To locate that truck in the parking lot in the dark and to have Ken actually see them. Weird? You tell me.
Friday, June 27, 2008
decidedly better
I discovered something about myself tonight. Want to know what it is? OK! I would rather write to you than check my email.Ten years ago that was THE thing to do. Remember "You Got Mail"? Yeah? Yeah!Well here we are, just us and well, you can see how long this whole thing is getting. Oh, and I have to go. Early day tomorrow. Good night!
Rain, Rain go
This has ceased to be humorous. It is now pouring again. I mean how much water can one state hold? Remember we already have 30 inches. I know! Let's give it to California. They like rain.

I really need to show you these kitten pictures. I took them yesterday. Sorry that I couldn't get all 4 of them. I'll try again sometime before they grow up or...! I cringed when the UPS guy backed in the drive yesterday. Last summer the USPS man backed over a kitten and didn't even know it.These are the 2 with short hair. So there's another yellow one. I think its name is PUFF. That was Jane's kitten. What do you mean "Jane who?" AH, come on! Dick and Jane, Sally, Spot, and PUFF. OH! That tiger is the MOM. Telma! as in Telma Hopkins. Come on, think. Then there's a dark little girl with yellow rings, like glasses, around her eyes. She's afraid all the time.
Matt's sitting
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I made about 7 more bags today. I just got started and couldn't stop. Used a sheet and a skirt. I think the skirt is better for the weight. The sheet ones look shabby chic, but then again, what do I know.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
BAGS not under my eyes
I made two Morsbags this evening and totally messed up the bedroom. I was trying to find clothes to use for the bag. I did. You know that since I told you that I made two. They're from a skirt I got in Tulsa at the Peoria St Thrift. So now it's bags. I forgot to tell you that Baesler's gives 5 cents for each bag you reuse off your order. Since 5 bags is about average I save $1 every 4 trips. Ch-Ching!
Got more stuff

There is a THINK GREEN swap that I'm in. And, surprise, I got a package from my partner yesterday.
I got a market bag. (The note is on top of it), couple of tribbles, some chocolate, YUM, a washcloth. a Swiffer pad, good idea, some red tea, good stuff, and 2 skeins of organic wool/cotton yarn, about the color of creamed corn, beautiful. Thanks for thinking of me.
$3.27 a gallon sounds cheap
Went to BAESLER'S yesterday afternoon and gassed up Cody's car at $3.27 a gallon. Now before you all head to Terre Haute, let me explain. Baesler's gives so much off per gallon on different grocery items. They are about 2-3 cents higher than Kroger on some things, maybe more on others. Now the way I figure is this: if I buy butter for $2 and they give me 3 cents a gallon off on a fifteen gallon, then multiply 3X15=45, so I actually paid $1.55 for the butter that Kroger has for $1.79. Gas prices are about the same. $3.98 there and 4.05 at Kroger. I bought milk at Kroger, just so I didn't have to worry about the heat. I spent $180 on groceries at Baesler's and got a $1.74 discount on each gallon up to 15 gallons next time. Spending the same at Kroger nets me a 10 cent a gallon discount. I love MATH.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Brad came yesterday and spent the night. Wonderful feeling! Try for more of that.DH called. I called Nanny after I called the bank about the car title. ARGH!! I called John. Today is John and Joany's seventh anniversary. They were supposed to get their picture taken at 4pm. Todd called too. But you know that already. Nola called, too. I know that Ryan WILL call sometime this evening. Dee called, I would tell you how long she and I talked but suffice to say it would have been a long letter. Now where Cody is and what he's about since they are 3 hours behind us in California remains to be seen. In other words he has time.
Matt phoned
It's true!!Matt did call. Something about needing a new diaper and daddy on the computer. Not to worry I took care of it. He is truly amazing isn't he! His mommy called him too today. Such a popular guy!!
Now is the time
I've traded with many people on the net,mainly through swapping.Took me quite awhile to learn the language and to be forgotten or flaked. (That's such a strange terminology-FLAKED. Wonder who coined that?) This time an angel took me. I received a top of the line package from Heather. I've never knitted with Brown Sheep- will soon though. Thanks Heather. Never owned so much Debbie Macomber-do now. Thanks Heather. Never had a whole Nutter Butter package to myself. Do now. Thanks Heather!Never had such a pretty felted bag made for ME, delivered to ME. Thanks Heather! You did good kid, real good.
It's been a week and I suppose I owe you an explanation. Believe me when I say that it's too long. We did amazing things this last week. My little camera never did surface. I recharged DH's and got my purse picture taken. Oh and we -Brad, DH, and I laid the laminate floor in the bay window room. It's practically perfect.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Yes I did open my package. Wedding anniversary coming up and I debated but then again I thought I'll do it. So I did.Everything was in there that I ever asked for, wait, that was in there too. But the thing I missed, wait, that was in there too. I sure am glad Heather put it all in there because it made for a really nice day all around, except, wait, that was in there too. And beautifully done except she forgot, wait, that was in there too. I'm sure glad she's such a good package maker upper.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Porch has a package
Yes, I got back from Terre Haute and there was a package on the front porch. It's from Heather Price in Michigan. I really hope that she is not returning what I sent her last month. I doubt it strongly but then one never knows. Now that I've piqued your interest you'll just have to wait and wonder and know that there will be pictures forthcoming.Oh her blog is winemakersister. The link is to your left. She is a really busy, sweet person. Check her out. No! I know that I didn't speak too soon. Just you wait. You'll see. It'll be wonderful.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Guess what? I know it's hard to believe but it's raining again. Like we need it. Susan said they need it in North Georgia. So how do we get it to cross the Ohio and leave us alone? At least let us dry out a little. Something else to ponder.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
beside herself
Nola and Michael and Bob, Michael's dad, went motorcycle riding before dark tonight. Nanny, bless her, has them washed off in a ditch somewhere. She always does this. I remember her pacing the floor because Gary wasn't home. 4AM and then when he got there he told them that he had helped a guy change a tire and then they had gone for coffee. High school senior. He always had a reason and dad and mom were always up pacing. You know I don't think that they ever paced for me.One thing 4AM wasn't even an option. Oh
We have 4 new kittens. They followed their mom around the house this evening. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow. 2 yellow, 1 dark tiger?(really dark) and 1 white with faint yellow stripes on tail. Nothing cuter than kittens! Ah! Oops! Sorry Matt! Kittens are the second cutest things ever. Better?Thanks! Good night!Say your prayers.
We have 4 new kittens. They followed their mom around the house this evening. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow. 2 yellow, 1 dark tiger?(really dark) and 1 white with faint yellow stripes on tail. Nothing cuter than kittens! Ah! Oops! Sorry Matt! Kittens are the second cutest things ever. Better?Thanks! Good night!Say your prayers.
Not Saturday
Yeah, I know you're thinking that I missed a day. Well in truth I did, but there was so much rain falling yesterday I just forgot you. Don't cry! We don't need the moisture. According to WTWO, we set a record in a record setting month. Case in point, Nanny got 2 feet of the stuff in her basement. Traffic is still backed up on 40 all the way to the county line. I know that's less that 10 miles but HEY those semis take up a lot of space. When I was a kid, before I70, those semis were in town every day, all day.Plus there was parallel parking then too. Oh, and parking meters. I wonder what ever happened to those meters? Well enough wondering! I should tell you the strip mall flooded, except for KROGER. It was their double doors that saved them. Just see what BOUNTY would do here. Oh the commercial I could film.!!
Friday, June 6, 2008
We have a SEVERE storm warning out and Ken just called me to say that he's on his way home from work. Seems he wasn't supposed to work today after all. One would think he loves his job.
Creme filled day
I cannot resist telling you that today is -Fanfare! National Doughnut Day!! Call Todd! Call your other friends! Go, eat a doughnut.Any type. Let the jelly drip! Of all the things I thought of the OMAR bread man delivering to our house when we lived at 802. I was less than 5. But I remember carrying that loaf of bread in the house like it was a baby. Nobody saw me. If anyone was in the house, like mom, who follwed me in after she paid for whatever, I swung the loaf like a bowling ball. Don't ask me, I just did. Oh and the bread man's name was Charlie. Sometimes we got a flat yeast roll box, like the ones you find today, only these had a creme filling. YUM! That was good eating!
Not through yet!!
I really was going to jot something profound last night at 11:55 pm. But then I figured by the time I got out here and logged into blogspot it would be tomorrow, so I just kept knitting. Makes perfect sense to me.Although I am not done with the LUCY bag I keep thinking SOON. Then I go knit a couple rows on my green self stripe socks and I feel fine. Now I do have to go. Back later. Promise.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
I'm all for wisdom. Don't misunderstand. But it is highly misused. Case in point. Who was the knucklehead who first called the 12 year molar-a wisdom tooth? I mean, honestly, have I been lacking wisdom for almost 60 years? But then again some people never get there. Quite to the contrary my dad would have said that I am, or rather was just not as smart as I thought. Just in case you don't get this my back right wisdom tooth is giving a real go at coming in.Only took it forever, but hey what do I know. Ask me later. After it gets all the way through, instead of this. My tongue is getting tired of checking on it. Maybe I ought to be writing this up someplace. Well duh I am.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I got a lot

I got a lot of mail today. Really! I got my box from Knitpicks. Didn't even open it. Long story. But I got a box from Indygirl in Connersville with my purse that wasn't. It is so cute. I love the handle and the top of the lid with a spoon nonetheless. How about that? Oh and it's metal and she attached Matt's picture. and I get to put more magnets on it. How about that!? Oh I said that all ready!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Got pics?

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Knitting in plain sight
I found the red/brown yarn and knitted on the purse while I watched in plain sight.Not really sure if I like that show or not which means it's probably a hit. Just remember don't buy stock in a thing I like. Now back to the knitting. Self stripe yarn is making some great socks. I don't know why I like that stuff, just do. Better not buy stock in that either. See you tomorrow. Good night. Say your prayers.
Moving right along
I found a secret ingredient for spaghetti sauce. Homemade by me, spaghetti sauce. I thought that I had some PREGO, but no. So Red Gold sauce, onion, fresh mushrooms, and some maple flavored bacon-2 slices, and, are you ready for this? I sure hope so cause here goes. Add about 1/4 cup bean dip, the kind in the produce aisle. Yes! You read correctly. The sauce was so runny, I had to thicken it somehow. And let me tell you there is none left and there was just the 2 of us at supper.Eureka! Houston, we have a winner!!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
I went back to Terre Haute this afternoon to River Wool. It feels good.! Looks good! Is good! However again she was sold out of Fridays. If I could just get one more Friday in the month I think I could get a lot more done.Maybe........... Fat Chance!
Cody left
Doesn't that sound final_ Cody left. Well I hope not. But he is going to spend the month of June working in California with Tina's dad. That kid! Anyway He packed this morning and I shortened some jeans for him and found him another pair. They're going to be doing construction so hard telling what he'll run into. In the meantime I've got a LOT of work to do here. Oh and he did let me hug him twice. WOW! Totally impressive!
Friday, May 30, 2008
The noise
Sorry it took me so long, but that noise seems like a lifetime away now. We got Beulah from Greencastle today and took everyone out to eat. That's Ken's thing. So it's alright with me. KFC buffet for 9. Cody and Tina, Anola and Michael, Charlie, the German exchange student that I mentioned before, Nanny, Beulah, and we two.Go ahead, count. I'm right! 9! Oh, yes, the noise. No more school, so the neighbor kids are up LATE, talking in the street. Makes sense to me. But Charlie, the dog not the exchange student, couldn't understand. Makes sense to me too. How about it?
Hallmark's demise
It was a great store. But tomorrow is its last day. But take heart--EVERYTHING is 90% off and you know what that means! I now have enough cards for the next decade. YEAH! I kid you not. This 90% off stuff is too good to pass on. So I didn't!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
A NOISE in the night
Sounds like a thriller, but my mom just called that Nola's dog is growling at the door. So Ken went up just to be sure. Charlie is a poodle/Maltese cross and, oh yeah, like he's going to take a bite out of crime. But it's really just as well Kenny went up there because he was asleep in front of the computer. So he says he once drove 22 miles in second gear, or was that first. I don't drive stick. Therefore I am not sure of the joke, but he is. So my point is that the man can sleep anywhere, anytime. Once he almost drowned in a bowl of soup because he nodded off as he was saying a blessing at supper and this was when we were first married. So don't tell me AGE! He's healthy, so says his doctor. Now back to the noise. I will let you know what it turned out to be. So go to bed and read it tomorrow. I'll be here, unless I'm someplace else, then I'll be back when I get here. OK? Goodnight!
Speaking of new
I got a box in the mail from JoAnne's today. WOOL! hurriedly off to the stash. That was DHL delivery. Then the mailman brought a box from GW. See why I can't get caught up.!! Beautiful stuff though in both boxes. Now I wonder where the Knitpicks box is?
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
New yarn
I know what I said to you about using from the stash. But wait until I tell you that Martha is having her 1st anniversary sale and she had bags of yarn from the yarn wall , pricey stuff. for $10! Limit 2 to a customer. You got to put your choice of yarns in the bag! WOW! She's also discounting purchases. I sure hope business is so good for her that she has a 22nd anniversary sale. Just think about it. Hey I got to go knit now.
Off again!!
My boys would say it should read "still off"!! I've been off for years! But anyway about this off it concerns the computer. It seems dh fixed the thing the other night and it flipped the drives. Funny thing is that he told me years ago- doesn't seem like the computer has been around years but SURPRISE it has-that computers couldn't think on their own but someone had to tell them what to do. I think his first statement came back to bite him. I'm back though and that's good. Right?
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Knittin' shakin'
Remember that old song -ain't nothing shakin' but the leaves on the trees? I don't know I just thought of that. Saturday I went from one purse project to the other and even put in a couple of sock rows. I wasn't shaking, but I was sure shakin' things up knitting wise.
Tina came by before a party, Cody went to Indy as a designated driver for Erin's 21st.Outside of that things were pretty much yarn oriented yesterday. All in all I did a lot. I know that it didn't look it,but I did. I even got up in time to go to Strege's and for a Saturday that's something.
Pardon me while I go empty the dryer.
Tina came by before a party, Cody went to Indy as a designated driver for Erin's 21st.Outside of that things were pretty much yarn oriented yesterday. All in all I did a lot. I know that it didn't look it,but I did. I even got up in time to go to Strege's and for a Saturday that's something.
Pardon me while I go empty the dryer.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Terre Haute
To my knowledge there is no other Terre Haute. I guess that's good. At least most people know that it is in Indiana. Maybe that's because of that song that made the charts 20 years ago. Anyway Cody and I went over to Rural King after some chaps for him when he rides.Bought them, then he let me go to River Wool, then we went to Honey Creek, then to Fazolis where we met up with Tina and Charlie-German exchange student. She's cute.They wanted to go see Indiana Jones, so I took the van and went to Baeslers and then home. Movie was sold out so Cody showed up earlier than I thought. Nola and mom went over to pick her wedding shoes up.Nola's,not mom's. I've been knitting today,too. Check the time. Yeah, good night.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
2 nice 2 stay N
I found a new blog this AM. What I was trying to do was see all the swaps on SWAPBOT with my name on them. I hate when I get behind in stuff which I always do. Hey I'm human. At least I was last time I checked, Yeah. I'm human.You see vegetables and minerals don't scream when they get pinched, therefore- Human. Anyway I digress. Point being I've got to get out more.Which brings me to my white tomato plants. I have one left to plant and I have 3 purple ones to plant. And my purple potatoes are in the ground finally. Two months late I hear but they are planted.Check out the blog and then go outside.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well! Is it bedtime yet?
I did several things today. Like spent the morning at Northview, went to th Post Office, went to Krogers, went to the bank, went to the TIMES, went to the gas station, and to Hardee's for Big Shefs which I called Big Macs to the manager. Bet my face turned all kinds of red. Oh and I made 4 postcards and emptied the dryer.
Cody took the motorcycle to Nan's.
Ken and Nola are home from Evansville.
And I am T-I-R-E-D. Wonder why?
Cody took the motorcycle to Nan's.
Ken and Nola are home from Evansville.
And I am T-I-R-E-D. Wonder why?
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Another postcard swap

I figured out another postcard swap. I love doing this thing and not buying anything is a plus. Of course you must remember the size of my stash to begin with and then you understand why I really don't want to buy a thing to mail, except for stamps, I guess. As long as SWAPBOT is there I can keep it up. I think. Now pardon me while I make some more.
Monday, May 19, 2008
How do I sit?
Sounds easy? Right! Bend your knees, back slowly into a chair and let the chair caress you. Yeah right! You see I know these things. I grew up wearing skirts to school, oh and remember "petty pants"? They kept your secret from the people on the lower flight of stairs. Because of living in jeans or, I don't know maybe born in them and then suddenly developing and finding a really cute LITTLE skirt, girls think that they will automatically know how to sit. Wrong! Sitting takes talent to do right. My grandmother used to say that she never wanted to see Christmas and no pies made. Think about it. And don't tell me your skirt is fingertip length because your arms are short! Hello!Do I look like I believe you?
Perfection is a fleeting thing
Got my first 3 on SWAPBOT today. You just know that perfection can't go on forever,but it still hurts though. Don't know what happened. Think that's worse than knowing you flubbed and sending out anyway. Oh well! Next time!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Well today at Lucio's the waiter promised me a half price fried banana next time if I brought my own banana. I ate the fried ice cream again. We took Nicole and Daegen today. He's 5 going on 50. I mean, you do remember that he's 5, but there are vocabulary words that make him sound much older and concept stuff. I just sat there and thought "Wow!".
Day well spent
I drove the PT to Avon today. We decided to look sat Michael's before heading for Indy. Then we got hungry so we ate at Fazoli's. Actually it was the other way around-ate first, then shopped. Nola and I got Nanny tonight at the airport from Flagstaff. Guess she had fun. Nothing negative. Not even that she was tired. So that's a plus. Just now got home and I'm writing to you.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
My swapped bag

Actually this is the one I sent to South Carolina. I love it though. It's from Cindy Taylor Oates book on zippered totes but without a zipper. Have you checked zipper prices lately? We should have hoarded some back in the day. Anyway I used old shirts as per instructions in the swap only I turned the pattern the long way. There's a flannel sheet for batting. Yeah! You guessed it. The swap was for recycling. So what do you think?
Ah! Nuts! I missed Friday
Actually I didn't miss it, because I was there, I just didn't get to check in with you. Anyway I made a tote Friday afternoon with a zipper closing making it expandable. That was a big thing for them, the sewing class, to see. But me......well there were a couple girls who made totes that were bad so I said let's make another. They did and I paid attention to only the construction not the sewing part and they did a wonderful job. Both have IEP''s so they were REALLY happy. I loved the look on their faces when it finally got turned right side out.Joanna is going to be so proud of them. So you see I didn't miss out on a thing this week.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Gotta pack
Does that sound ridiculous? Well I've got to take some purse patterns- sewn ones--to Northview tomorrow. Most of those girls are making totes. I told them I would bring different ones for them to see. I'll be there through Friday. LOVE IT!
The TITANS are on again tonight. Encore performance. I know It used to be called reruns. But I really like the songs in the movie. If I don't get out there I'll miss 'mighty,mighty Titans'. Denzel isn't bad either. Thing is; I remember those attitudes and it makes me sick.
I love it!!
I was hoping to think of a really catchy title but..................Anyway I taught sewing today. One girl told me that I really must love to sew and I guess I do. But the creating is what I really like.Weird? Yes, I guess that I am. Hey before I forget, I get a free breakfast in the morning. Peers mediating peers and Joanna is gone so I have been invited. It's a fuzzy.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
A brand new bag

If you have ever picked up one of the bags at Barnes and Noble as well as others, it's made out of the same material some cat food bags are. So when I was in a swap for recycled bags.I chose to try one with a twist. I won't know how this particular one holds up, but I sure intend to try another. Using just a tote pattern treat the cat food bag like fabric. First let me tell you that not all bags are made of this stuff. I saw a rice bag in Virginia that I would have liked. Maybe later. Who knows?
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