Thursday, January 31, 2008
Winter storm coming??
Well it isn't here yet. The kids at school today were counting on it so that there would be no school tomorrow and Kenny took extra clothes to Nucor this A.M. just in case. ( He just called that he is on his way home.) Cody left Brazil early after his first day subbing just to get back before the snow got heavy. It is going to be funny if it misses us totally. Not that I loathe the cold. Yes that's a good word. It makes it really hard on people to get around in snow and ICE safely. There is a good part- 7 weeks until Spring. Oh now don't misunderstand. Snow is beautiful. But this is a bitter cold that is with this one and if it does ice it will be harder on a lot of people. Me? I'm going to knit some socks and a scarf and a shawl and whatever else I can find the time for. Oh and I put an order in for 77 degree weather. I expect delivery in about 60 days.
swap again!!
I joined another swap. Why? oh I don't know;probably because I just want to see what they're swapping. I mean the requirements are there in an elusive free spirited sort of way, but I want to see how they finally get partners or even if they do. It may be one of those you like bid on, I'll tell you later. I better make something that I'd want to keep.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N in the summer sun
We always went to see family when I was younger at home. As awful as that sounds, my family is way cool. My dad's sister lived in Tulsa and my mom's sister lived in Aiken. So in alternate summers we went south-east/west. Tulsa was always fun because of the shopping and my aunt,the one who taught me to embroider. Aiken was different. There were places to see, like the ocean, and Aunt Bea's picnic's. She was a great cook and hostess. Aunt Bea was an ardent sewer and knitter. She had 2 daughters slightly older than I (2 and 5 Years) and she had a scrap box that was to die for. One summer the "old folks" spoke of wills and dying and I said that I didn't care who got what as long as she left me that scrap box. Mouthy little kid, wasn't I? Anyway I came home with that box. They lived another 35 years or so. I don't think there was ever another scrap box though. At least they didn't show me. Wonder why? To this day I love scraps.Partial balls of color. Things never come out even, but oh I still love it.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Weakend?NO! weekend!
Well at least I tried this weekend to do something like find the floor in the bedroom. However there was this delicious self stripe yarn on the needles and well I had a little trouble keeping my momentum going. But I did try. I will post the finished socks tomorrow. Seriously!! and I will find the floor before Matt arrives. That's my promise to me.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
movie date
Anola asked me to the movies tonight to see 'P.S. I love you" at the theater in Honey Creek, rather behind it. Not bad but a real tear jerker. Afterwards we went to the Coffee Grounds so that she could take a computer quiz on WWII. 10 out of 10. Way to go, my sweet! she seems to be enjoying ISU.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Learn something QUICK
Well Mom got home from Florida today. Dh picked her up at Indy around 2 o'clock, about the time I was working with square roots. They switched me at school today. Computer programming in the morning and algebra in the afternoon. I did get a prep period- read knitting time - so it was all good. After school I went to Terre Haute to a bead shop and learned to make stitch markers. The swap is very educational.
Now back to school tomorrow. I got the sock almost done today so it should be off the needles and the pair on my feet when I go in Friday afternoon. I forget who I am, but it'll be fun.
Now back to school tomorrow. I got the sock almost done today so it should be off the needles and the pair on my feet when I go in Friday afternoon. I forget who I am, but it'll be fun.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Random childhood memories
I learned so much from so many people over the years. But one thing more than any other pops up at random almost every day. When I was little (all right shorter) I spent a lot of time at my grandmother's house. My dad's mom lived 2 blocks or so away from us. It was here that I learned FIBER.She was a master at anything she tried, especially if told that it was impossible. She worked as a tailor and alteration lady at an upscale men's store for many years. Before that she ran the local SINGER store. I learned knitting ,crocheting, and sewing and to love and respect those who could. My dad's only sister taught me to embroider in Mam-Maw's house. Now to the memory!
I would ask frequently why you had to do something a certain way and instead of answering me directly, my grandmother would reply something like "I don't know. Try it and see." So I would and sometimes it would work, but more frequently than not it would have to be done the way I was taught. Do you know that to attach a sequin to something a seed bead is desirable?
I would ask frequently why you had to do something a certain way and instead of answering me directly, my grandmother would reply something like "I don't know. Try it and see." So I would and sometimes it would work, but more frequently than not it would have to be done the way I was taught. Do you know that to attach a sequin to something a seed bead is desirable?
baby,it's cold outside
Dh and Cody are motorcycle shopping.
They said and I am prone to believe
their logic that no one wants to
ride at 15 degrees, consequently the best deals
are out there when it's below freezing. I suppose.
Even the LYS is loaded with the good stuff this temperature.Ah,January! Hey 29 years ago today was a Sunday and SUPERBOWL to boot. I know because I was in labor. Dh missed
the game and John didn't put in an appearance until 2:45 a.m. My first
of 5 c-sections. I have the scars to prove it. My Uncle Charlie promptly made me a member of the 'scar belly' club. Those all ready in the club are a quiet bunch.
They said and I am prone to believe

their logic that no one wants to
ride at 15 degrees, consequently the best deals
are out there when it's below freezing. I suppose.
Even the LYS is loaded with the good stuff this temperature.Ah,January! Hey 29 years ago today was a Sunday and SUPERBOWL to boot. I know because I was in labor. Dh missed
the game and John didn't put in an appearance until 2:45 a.m. My first
of 5 c-sections. I have the scars to prove it. My Uncle Charlie promptly made me a member of the 'scar belly' club. Those all ready in the club are a quiet bunch.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Day missed and a pair of feet
I really was going to do this yesterday but couldn't. Long story. I did sub yesterday and again today only half days. That equals more yarn time. Fine by me. I called the bead shop in Terre Haute, read 22 miles away, to see if she could show me how to make stitch markers. I really don't use those things at all. Tried to, but they got tangled in the yarn, well suffice to say it wasn't pretty. I do use the bone markers when needed and have even removed my ring, band, when I was desperate. Anyway she told me to come over Tuesday afternoon and she'd see what she could do if I brought a picture. I'm not at all sure of this project. These are on my feet with my CROCS
They have the cuff from the TOFUTSIE pattern.Sz3 Needles with a Co of 33. Should have been more than that because the cuff is tight to put on. It's a Red Heart worsted and Yes! they do match. It's really cold outside and supposed to get colder. 14 years ago tonight it was 30 below. Last week I was bragging about the 'new Florida' this week I'm biting my tongue. It can't stay cold too long. We're only 5 weeks from March. Hey though my feet are toasty and I got another pair on the needles. Socks, not feet,although I do have a pair of feet.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Has my knitting changed??
I read the title and thought. There's one thought yes and the other no.Maybe it has, but then again I see no weather related change for January. But I do knit strange things at all times of the year. Like fabric purses and t-shirt rugs. Notice my stuff is pretty much shapeless as it gets bigger as in rugs. I have a box of loops from the body of the shirt, I suppose there are 20 shirts or so in it, as the loops are longer and I have two boxes of sleeve loops to take to the nursing home for the ladies to loop together for me. I think that the body loops will be too long for the residents to manage and besides the sleeve loops will add color like the potholder loops that the pattern calls for. Fifty years ago the box instructions for the potholder frame told you that you could use sock loops cut from un-mated socks. I don't think that my mom,in her whole life, ever lost a sock. Me?
I lose socks from stores with the consistency of breathing. In other words all the time. I've had a 20 pound box of those single socks. Hey, with 18 feet in the family it's possible. Never lost a hand knitted one. Thought I did but I was wrong. This is one of those rugs on sz 19 circular, with strips not loops. The looped one is white. The strip ones, I think there were 7 at last count, are different colors even white. They are so comfy. Like walking on piles of t-shirts. With 5 boys and dh all wearing those shirts, I have walked on piles of them in the laundry room. No ridges like rag rugs. Wait 'til I post my rag rugs, They were/are fun to do. One of those is on the needles now.
In the meantime,I have to find out how to put a button at the side so important stuff can be accessed without reading everything. Not that everything isn't important but time is important too. I certainly need more of it. But then again doesn't everyone?

In the meantime,I have to find out how to put a button at the side so important stuff can be accessed without reading everything. Not that everything isn't important but time is important too. I certainly need more of it. But then again doesn't everyone?
Monday, January 14, 2008
Substitute quick
I subbed for an art teacher with no plans this morning. Great kids and we did fine. I really don't like no plans though, especially when I am the second sub on the second day. But I've done it before and it'll happen again.
What I wanted to say was that I finished the shawl last night and started another on bigger needles a while ago. It needs to be longer in the back. I did get compliments from the men in the family though. There's a gold star moment if I ever saw one. Dh is giving socks away to son #4,Brad. So I guess he loves his so much that all the boys deserve a pair. Remember I use my index finger for a lot of measuring that I don't have to translate to an actual number but I think that these boys of ours have outgrown my index finger. NUTS!

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Matt's car seat and yarn

A tip to Terre Haute this P.M. lead to more yarn. We ate at FRIDAYS. My Idea. I love their commercials.Then I needed to shop.
I can not pass a bargain. I took dh and Cody to the motorcycle shop. They needed to look and frankly I don't do well with metal of that sort. So I went a mile down US41 to Hobby Lobby just to buy some circulars. They had all this yarn on clearance. I love orphan balls. I got the needles too but I carefully put the yarn in the back back of the van. That's what we call it the BACK BACK. Then I picked the guys up and went to Babys r Us to get Matt a car seat. Honestly it was so much fun to watch dh and Cody. DH remembered nothing about car seats. We went through at least 5 with 7 kids so he must be getting old. Hey wait a minute I'm older. Anyway got the car seat and some really cute clothes for Matt. Cody picked them out.-Uncle Cody.
Then on to Books a Million. I love that place. I find a baby book and some others-unknitting, but I did find THE calendars at half price. So now I have 2 knit calendars, but I can't find my guys. I gave Cody the van keys so I gotta find them eventually. First though a trip to the magazines. I don't worry when I'm on a quest.After my third trip around the store I find them sitting at JOE MUGGS drinking coffee and working crosswords.
I'm going to get some more stuff made to send to the parents-to-be this month. They like to get mail. Well DUH! doesn't everybody!!Some of these patterns call for fingering weight so I am going to change that, I really don't like to use less than a sport weight. I probably did use that stuff back when I was knitting Barbie sweaters. But not anymore, unless I can add it to other yarn and create my own yarn,which I do do sometime. But there are so many skeins out there now that I have too much fun with the hunt.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Getting ready!
Well we'll put mom on the plane for Florida in the a.m. Yes I know that I said that Indiana was the new Florida. But mom's sister wants her to come for a visit. She'll be gone during their anniversary. Since that was always a party, it's probably better that she leave this first time. Her oldest sister is there too so it'll really be a reunion of sorts. Then a month later we want to take her to a baby shower in Virginia. Todd sent her the invite today. When she read the time, 1:00-4:00, she said she can't afford to go out for 3 hours. I almost died laughing inside and then she giggled. I love it. These are really tiny socks compared to the others, but I think they'll fit Matt. The colors are sorta orange sherbet and lemon and white. Cool colors for a cool kid. Co 19 on sz2 dpn. Index finger measurements.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Add 4 hours
I discovered that it is necessary to add 4 hours to the clock shown. Makes me wonder where the clock is. Like Artie Johnson, "Interesting.Very Interesting!"
On a knitting note-DOING!! I almost finished a shawl today. I said almost. Had to learn some computer stuff from Cody. The Visual Basic from ISU 10 years ago is running thin. Wish I were.
Anyway will post picture later. I really like the pattern from Cheryl Potter's One Skein. The thing with garments labelled easy is that if you're experienced that translates to "FAST". That's all good. Means more finished stuff in less time and more yarn used, too.
On a knitting note-DOING!! I almost finished a shawl today. I said almost. Had to learn some computer stuff from Cody. The Visual Basic from ISU 10 years ago is running thin. Wish I were.
Anyway will post picture later. I really like the pattern from Cheryl Potter's One Skein. The thing with garments labelled easy is that if you're experienced that translates to "FAST". That's all good. Means more finished stuff in less time and more yarn used, too.
weather watching
Crazy,I know. But I'm watching my partner's weather. Not with envy I might add well maybe just a little. Knitting is always good--hot or cold. Our weather is great for January. We are the new Florida. It's a family joke.
I did it again! Happy dance!!
. Who's favorite animal is an Otter?Anne K
2. Name someone who prefers whipped cream with their hot cocoa Debbie W
3. Find 3 people who live outside of the United StatesAna Sofia (great name) Angie H
4. Name a fan of Harry Potter Anne K
5. Name someone who crochets Alex
6. Name someone who DOES NOT have a healthy supply of notions Angela A-H
7. Name someone who has NOT put up their questionnaire yet (just put a date with your answer in case they put it up after seeing their name listed somewhere ;-) )
8. Who likes to have Kahlua, Baileys, or Peppermint Schnapps in their cocoa?Anne
9. Name someone who knits fingerless gloves as a 'quick knit' Ashley R
10.Name someone who's looking forward to gardening this spring.Amanda D
11.Who's favorite way to drink cocoa is with a gorgeous Frenchman, while overlooking the eiffel tower from a French Cafe? (I'm right there with you... well at the table next to yours!)
12.Name someone who's favorite animal is NOT a dog or house catAmanda D
13. Name someone who's favorite treat is NOT chocolate.Bea R
14. Who plays Candyland?Kriquette
15. Name someone who DOESN'T get the winter blahs Cathy D!.
2. Name someone who prefers whipped cream with their hot cocoa Debbie W
3. Find 3 people who live outside of the United StatesAna Sofia (great name) Angie H
4. Name a fan of Harry Potter Anne K
5. Name someone who crochets Alex
6. Name someone who DOES NOT have a healthy supply of notions Angela A-H
7. Name someone who has NOT put up their questionnaire yet (just put a date with your answer in case they put it up after seeing their name listed somewhere ;-) )
8. Who likes to have Kahlua, Baileys, or Peppermint Schnapps in their cocoa?Anne
9. Name someone who knits fingerless gloves as a 'quick knit' Ashley R
10.Name someone who's looking forward to gardening this spring.Amanda D
11.Who's favorite way to drink cocoa is with a gorgeous Frenchman, while overlooking the eiffel tower from a French Cafe? (I'm right there with you... well at the table next to yours!)
12.Name someone who's favorite animal is NOT a dog or house catAmanda D
13. Name someone who's favorite treat is NOT chocolate.Bea R
14. Who plays Candyland?Kriquette
15. Name someone who DOESN'T get the winter blahs Cathy D!.
Whole ?aire
The Questionnaire!
It's here at long last... so let's hear it for the Questionnaire!Cocoa:1. What is your favorite way to drink cocoa? Prepared with milk? Water? from home made recipe or store bought?, In a tea cup, or big mug?I really like Carnation/Nestle hot chocolate water with just a splash of 2% to cool in a china mug, preferably rescued from GW with no chips or crazing
2. Marshmallows or whipped cream? Not necessary
Yarn/Knitting/Crochet1. What is your favorite type of yarn? In what colors?I love worsted and DK even sport. Not black. Too hard to see stitches
2. Do you knit or crochet (or both)? Both
3. What are your favorite type of needles, would you like to try something new? Love circulars and bamboos. Since I take my knit bags everywhere and give a lot of kids lessons on the way,I don't own expensive needles,but I do have a couple of dowel sticks to make my own someday.
4. Do you have a healthy supply of notions? I rival Walmart. I really don't use that many notions. Best thing is the needle sizer. I love it and use it.
5. What one thing do you keep thinking you need to buy for your knitting habit (outside of yarn)?Books,hardcover, currently trying to locate Debbie Macomber's Rosewood Lane. There's a knitter in there. Have her others.
6. What is your favorite 'quick knit/crochet' pattern (quick gratification) I knit hats last winter for anyone. Now socks are more portable . But I'm currently in shawl mode. I love Orphan balls and the projects that are for them,probably why I buy all the one skein books.
1. What is your favorite thing to do in the Winter?Stay in and knit
2. What is your favorite animal?Kittens and Great Pyrenees
3. Do you get the 'winter blahs'?no
4. What is your favorite way to beat the blahs?Think spring
5. What is the thing you are most looking forward to this spring?First grandchild, a boy, arrives in April
6. What are your favorite treat?Golden raisins and cherries
7. What is your favorite board game?Watch movies, like Knights instead. Hard to do board games with just two people. But we do own a ton.
8. Do you have any children (furry or human)? 5 homemade 2 storebought
9. Do you have any allergies or special considerations you partner should know about?Really don't like tobacco smell
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Raining all day
I heard that we had an inch less rain today than we usually get for a month. I know that's a confusing sentence but it's true. Then Jesse Walker,the weatherman, said "Just think had it been snow!" Blessings come in big puddles. It's not that I don't like snow,but spring is just around the corner. And I say let it come!Here! I ate at Mom's after school. Taught sewing today and had a girl run a needle through her finger. All she said was "I'm bleeding." Calm.That's the way to do it. Anyway I finished another sock at Mom's. Now I hope that there's enough yarn for its mate. I love orphan balls of yarn.These are Matt's socks with a co19 on size 3dpn. They are as long as my index finger. All our kids' feet were,so I'm assuming his will be too.
I loved the remnant basket in the quilt shop, ergo orphan balls.

Monday, January 7, 2008
What More ????
On the cocoa swap, we have homework!Isn't that cool! I think so. Anyway there were 15 questions and you had to hunt for the answers. May I say right up front the questions were not in blog order. So I looked. I found a lot of in common things. Things like most could knit and crochet but preferred to knit. No reason. They just did. A number are going to school or back to school. Some liked exotic animals like turtles and pigs and sheep to name a few. And not one said that they tasted like chicken, the animals, not themselves. They are just serious enough without being hard on themselves,like admitting cocoa with schnapps is good. It is,too. But Irish creme is better. Then the snacks like candy corn.hmhhmmhm!My mom's favorite. The ones in warmer climates had no problem with winter.No surprise there. Notions aren't the big thing in life but NEEDLES seem to be. Even the ladies across the pond (age is showing) like a good bargain. I was surprised at the youth of the fingerless glove knitter. I wrote the answers down, but in paragraph form. AH! Rats!
? aire
So much for snacking and posting

I did put a picture in for that last description. Alas! The best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go awry. So here on this post is the 4 strand baby yarn pair.
My new favorite snack is golden raisins and cherries dried with a smidgen of Hershey dark on the side. Gotta learn how to post and eat at the same time. (Muslin in quilt is really natural.)
My new favorite snack is golden raisins and cherries dried with a smidgen of Hershey dark on the side. Gotta learn how to post and eat at the same time. (Muslin in quilt is really natural.)
More socks??

Yes it is true. There are still more undocumented socks in my house. Looks like these are doing ballet. Talented socks!!This particular pair has the TOOFOOTSIE cuff that Jonelle had me try with a size 1 needle.ARGH!! Those stitches were so very hard to see. It was like knitting dental floss with toothpicks.I'm really quite proud of myself for using a 3. Although, in my youth I probably did use a 1. I've had entirely too much fun with 35's of late though. Not for socks however. Shrek's wife ,Fiona, would use a 35, if anyone, for socks.
The cuff is a k2,p2,k2,p2 all the way for 10 or so rows with a co of 31. That makes the rib sort of spiral. The socks are mates. I just didn't have enough variegated for both heels. Or so I thought. Both bodies are the same measurement. Funny how the dark heel makes a shorter look. Anyway,they fit. I really should lay a ruler next to them someday.
This pair I did with 4 strands of baby yarn. They are chunkier and not so comfy in CROCS. They are so warm though just by themselves. The tops are shorter than I like, but I really thought that I was going to run out of yarn. Not totally! Just this color combination was not even a full ball on the winder. I made the quilt in the background 10 years ago.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
No allergies here

Dh said that maybe I should develop one. An allergy. I think he means to yarn. Hey I've known him since I was 10. He was so cute. One of my little brother's classmates. No I did not rob the cradle. He was 8. His brother was in my class. So 12+ years later we marry and much later we celebrate 36 years of sharing and raising 7 kids, 5 homemade and 2 storebought. The storebought were first. Special needs kids. They went beyond what was expected of them. Our homemade have either graduated college or are in college. Teachers or medical people. We watch movies together now. The boardgames have long been put away. I saw an article once where a lady made a purse from a Monopoly board. Now how cool is that. Anyway dh just looked at me and frowned. Maybe someday.
These are his socks on his feet in Cody's room watching tv,him not the socks. They're 3 strands of worsted on size 11 dpn with a co of 32. Yes he is bigger than I am; by 12 inches and a 100 pounds.But he does love us all-socks,too.
Why not funning?

This is the same pair of socks,because there was enough green yarn in that GW box last winter to make two pair and I did. One belongs to someone else now.

I was wondering as I said to someone that I was working on another sock-please I do know that there is knitting outside of socks,honestly-anyway back to my original comment I think knitting socks is fun,so why do I say working on instead of funning on?Beats me but could be interesting observation to ask an English class of middle schoolers. I love to make them think. Last month I told them that I have no blahs after the 22nd of December. I got some quizzical looks and don't you mean..... My reply ,"The days get longer then and spring is coming." This spring Matt will arrive and I gotta say that I'm pretty psyched for that event. I thought about a puppy this spring. Not sure though. Another Great Pyrenees would be neat. Besides Matt needs a dog. At least we'll get kittens if everything keeps the same.

Well it is wet and dreary and warm today. Guess it could be wet and dreary and cold. We took mil out to KFC today and then back to the NH. She sounded hoarse when I picked her up but no temp so off we go. An hour after eating she was really hoarse hence the trip back so soon. Not a total loss for her, she got out and that is everything. I stopped at the GW in Greencastle and picked up some china mugs, I love them. All different and no chips. Also found a Fireking mug. It was a really good trip. Hot chocolate, hot tea whatever in these is goin be good. I remember when the hot chocolate water came out. Good then,better now. Believe it or not there was no yarn in the GW. Found some really good and colorful stuff in that one last winter. Oh well I'm having this love affair with self stripping now in worsted and Dk weight. Lost another bamboo needle last day of school,if I only knew how to do socks on two circular size 4.One less needle to lose.Big sigh.
Now as to these socks, they are not the same. One is with 2 strands worsted on sz.6 dpn and the other is one strand of the Red Heart by itself. I have every color of Red Heart stripes. Couldn't help myself. It was on sale. I think Mary Englebreit and I are related- only in the color gene.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
I do knit other things

Just so no one thinks I can only do socks, here's a pair of pants that I knitted for Matt. I'm hoping the yarn softens after washing. If not they'll go on a teddy bear I'm sure. There has to be an I-cord knit for the waist. Outside of that they are finished. They're shorter than what the pattern (it's on the net) called for. You have to be careful,because they are knit from the top down. So the legs are knit with the bottoms. Hold the waist together front to back to make sure both legs are the same length. I did for the blue pair; forgot for these. So I frogged the longer leg as I had casf off both. Therefore Matt has "clamdiggers" when I get the I-cord finished. The t-shirt for these has to be blocked and sewn. It's out of sock yarn. This is so much fun because all this takes little time. With only 44% of our 7 kids married and only 15% of that total with a bun in the oven and factoring in our ages and theirs, Matt's really going to get a lot of stuff.
Friday, January 4, 2008
no froggin tonight

We went to my mom's for chili tonight. Supposed to be in the 50's tomorrow. Anyway she got the pot out and got the urge for chili today after her permanent. She's 82 and 4 foot 10 and tap dances and bakes.Not at the same time most of the time although I have seen it. She wears the socks that I knit. So I knit at her house, but never frog, Why? I don't know. That's just the way it is. I now have three bags with partially started projects to tote places. My goal is to keep them all going.
As for these socks, they're worsted and really groovy. Can you still say "groovy". I can and do every so often.They're a plain knit so I can do them with my eyes closed so to speak. Really my grandmother used to watch tv and knit cables. I can too. Just not cables. Co 28 with a size 3. Use soft yarn or co 30. These are snug, but groovy. Wear with blue slacks and CROCS. Love 'em.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Cocoa swap

I got in!!! Wow! The swap! Hope I don't mess up. Hey, it's all for fun and I can do this. I hope.
I took my mom to Bloomington (IN) today to get her hearing aids. No charge! They fit! She's happy and I got to buy some YARN. I know what I said "Knit the stash down and then buy", but this was sooo good.This should stripe in black, blue, and purple. ARGH! sounds like a bruise in print, but in person it's licorice on your tongue.
These socks, in the picture, are done in bamboo yarn on size 6dpns with a co of 28. They wash well in the washer with ORVUS-refer to previous post. They are cool and comfy, as my oldest son's wife would say. Joany loves comfy things. She's a keeper. So are the socks.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008

WELL! I got another sock almost done. Plus I cleaned at a closet. Method to my madness-I looking for fabric, i.e.clothes to rip up for a purse. Just about that time of year for a new purse. I want to do the LUCY BAG out of cotton shirts/skirts. Should be able as it takes an 11 needle I've done it before. Probably a motto I should put on a pillowcase--Who says I have to use the yarn called for. A T-shirt might be good. Cleaning does this to me-I get goofy or goofier if you would ask my boys. These are not the socks I'm working on. These are from Paton's SWS and it is luscious. I just throw them in the washer, but not the dryer or I hand wash. Yes there are people who still do that. I had no idea they would felt, so I take no chances. They feel really good. Felted they might fit Matt someday. I do need to felt something on purpose for an exchange. Better get back to the closet first.
YES another pair!

I did this pair because I can't see to use a size1 needle. Yes, it's true and I admit it. My eyes are getting old. Thank heaven for 3's. Well I can use a 2; but a 3 feels so much nicer. I did use the 2 on Matt's t-shirt. That'll be another picture if I ever get it blocked and sewn. He's not due until April,so I have a few weeks. Anyway I got this sock pattern from Jonelle on the TOFUTSIE sock exchange group. I really can't see the pattern in the body of the sock but I do love the rib so I did it at least 3 times and then I decided that any pattern with that co would work. So far so good. It's a co of 30-33. What until I get the 'buds' done. That's really working well as I mentioned earlier today. the tint is really there in the yarn. Looks like you wiped rouge off with them. Don't wear rouge. So it's just the yarn.
It's the coldest day of the year. I find that funny as it's only the second day of the year. Grammatically I guess it should be the colder day of the year.
This works

All right! I'm back.Not that I was gone, but I was really caught up in my knitting. I started a pair of socks last night after I finished the TOOFOOTSIE patterned cuff. I did it in worsted on size 3 dpn with a co of 31 and it worked again. So I tried Debbie Macomber's pattern for the baby bud cloth in one of her booklets and VIOLA it worked. I am so proud of me.It's a good thing the worsted works, cause there's a lot of it here in my house. Beautiful colors too.
Now as for these in the picture. Ken (DH) says that they don't match. It's the same skein,duh. So they do match, they're just different. Like people. Like us. Got to love his logic.
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