Sunday, January 6, 2008

No allergies here

Dh said that maybe I should develop one. An allergy. I think he means to yarn. Hey I've known him since I was 10. He was so cute. One of my little brother's classmates. No I did not rob the cradle. He was 8. His brother was in my class. So 12+ years later we marry and much later we celebrate 36 years of sharing and raising 7 kids, 5 homemade and 2 storebought. The storebought were first. Special needs kids. They went beyond what was expected of them. Our homemade have either graduated college or are in college. Teachers or medical people. We watch movies together now. The boardgames have long been put away. I saw an article once where a lady made a purse from a Monopoly board. Now how cool is that. Anyway dh just looked at me and frowned. Maybe someday.

These are his socks on his feet in Cody's room watching tv,him not the socks. They're 3 strands of worsted on size 11 dpn with a co of 32. Yes he is bigger than I am; by 12 inches and a 100 pounds.But he does love us all-socks,too.

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